Let's just say that if he did, it would probably restore his image in a lot of peoples minds. I do not think he deserves it anymore, but I guess he got it based on his skills, not his behavior, so I suppose it is his to keep, because no doubt, he is a great player. I do believe he should have the decency to pass it on to whoever came in second.
Do you think Zidane should forfeit his Golden Ball award after his disgraceful behaviour?
Definitely NOT!
Ever wondered how does the well-built, muscular, Materazzi eject and crash down three feet away in "crucifying pain" from Zidane's impulsive head butt?
Zizou has in in-borne and well-known dualism : brillant talent / limited patience when provoked. The latter weakness, well-known (he has played in Torino's Juventus) and was probably exploited in the Final in a well-programmed ambush to provoke him with extremely personal and humiliating insults -- other than the normal dozens of insults usually yelled to and fro in heavily fought matches -- so that he might react that way.
Zizou is not a moron. Although he has had some irascible outbursts and red cards in his career, he would not have done this, knowing full well that French President Jacques Chirac is watching a few metres away, along with the scrutinizing eyes of 30 cameras and 1 billion people. He was unwillingly and unwittingly provoked/programmed into making a statement for the world to see; a statement of such magnitude that it would certainly mean a guaranteed explusion.
Well-done Mr. Materazzi!.. What was in fact "disgraceful" here is not Zizou, but you! I do hope FIFA's disciplinary committee ends up knowing what words you uttered to Zizou and consequently charges you with the full extent of the punishment available for the most treacherous player. Long live good Italian soccer and long live the French multi-cultural world-class soccer team and captain Zizou!
he should have been IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED from receiving the award.
It should have gone to the next best, Cannavaro, then Pirlo and then Henry ( whom had the 4th highest amount of points )
WHAT HAPPENED TO FAIR PLAY?! by giving Zidane the GOLDEN BALL AWARD. Aside from the World Cup, the most prestigious award of the tournament.... to a RED CARDED PLAYER!
Reply:yup..... he is the stupidest player i ever seen....
Reply:yes he doesnt deserve it
Reply:No way he has been a legend all this time for 15 years and he deserves it.
It is an award given at his performance and I think Matarazzi said some provoking words to Zidane otherwise he is a cool headed fellow and would not have done that.
Reply:cmon everyplayer has their bad times and shouldnt take away all their accomplishment's. It seems that your an italian fan, just be happy that they won the worldcup.. :)
Reply:What is the point? If the WC's purpose is to reward the most horrible play, then the GB can be in such hands. I mean, the two teams that went to the finals were overly defensive, goals were a secondary objective for both teams from the beginning. In such a boring WC (from a neutral point of view), you can't complain about such secondary prizes when...
1 - Both finalists played a boring defensive game on this WC, this kind of stuff encourages other teams to play boring tactics, instead of making us fans happy with goals.
2 - They had the help of the referee to get to the finals, they probably wouldn't be here if they used the tapes to make justice, instead of just accepting the mistakes.
3 - The best teams didn't won, the teams that wanted to "gain time" to simply win did. It is alot easier to just stop the flow (so both teams can't really play the game) than going forward for goals.
4 - The final match shouldn't be decided by penalties, it is only a way of rewarding teams that block the game. If Switzerland had an exceptional goalie and penalty kickers, they would be a top team? I hate to admit, but this "modern football" is killing the magic of the old days...
Zidane was the best individual in this tournament, the italians are good defenders, but that's not what football is all about, it was supposed to be about goals. So I think Zidane deserved it more than the 2nd and 3th place, actually I would give the 2 and 3 to the germans or argentinians, because they were more into playing football than "just win".
So he should claim it rightfuly, at least he tried to make this tournament more entertaining to watch.
Reply:if cristiano ronaldo didn't get the best young player award because of his behaviour (causing rooney that red card), then zidane shouldn't have got the golden ball award either.
Reply:Deffinatly yes . No matter what was said he didnt responded back by words but by pure intentional physical violance
A great football player doesnt do that . Football is also a sport about team spirit , doing it all the best for ur team leaving aside ur individual interests , he shoulda realised he would be seen doing that gesture and sanctioned for it and therefor his team would had to suffer too . Did he care ? nope he responded in a way thats 1 million times worst then any word that was said to him
Reply:Zidane is a legend and he didn't do a disgraceful behaviour and I think his reaction wasn't wrong
Reply:Absolutely not! The Italians should forfeit the World Cup for being one of the diritiest,ugliest ,slimiest teams in World Cup history.They were the embarrassment not Zizou.
Reply:No, why should he, they should put the issue up to vote, if they find out the Mazzeri kid said something offensive to Zidane, then he can't be revoked of the cup, I mean, at least 20 years of play just for one little thing to **** it up is just not agreeable.
Come on people, Mazzeri called him a "dirty terrorist", and as obvious he probal did understand him(I mean, Spanish,French and Italian have somekind of language connection), and in which, he head-butted him.
Reply:NO he earned it hes the best player in the world and Marco deserved that headbutt Marco needs to be kicked off the italian team
Reply:Yes. What a chump. Let his team down big time. Ruined his career.
Reply:First off it's anyone's guess what the Italian player Mate-whatsis-name (shades of Rooney-Ronaldo incident at Quarter Finals between England vs Portugal) said to Zidane in the first place. He certainly didn't head butt him for no apparent reason! I really think had Zidane stayed on the field minus that Red Card incident, France would've been the champions... oh well=(
Reply:NO! The Golden Ball award is decided based on one's football performance DAMMIT! Not on one's behaviour!! The fact that FIFA overlooked Zidane's last act and stuck with the prior decision to give it to him proves my point - Zidane played amazing football in this tournament, and based on that, he deserves the cup. Just because he made ONE behavioural mistake, doesnt mean he doesnt deserve the golden ball award, and award which im going to repeat, is based on how well the player played.
Reply:He could have retired a champ, this completely ruined his image, but forfeiting the Golden Ball might help....
Reply:NO! of course not. He deserves it. He's a great captain, and the French team wouldn't've made that far without him. Everyone can't control their temper. And well, I can't blame Zidane. The Italian dude held him and he was saying something. (Obviously something bad.) Ya, he screwed up 5 minutes before the penalty shoot out. (I think the italian Mafia told him to, or something bad would've happened to him.)Zidane is not stupid, I don't know why he lost it. Just before he knew his team needed him. But you can't overlook the fact that this great captain is retiring. They should've at least let him come out of the locker room at the end. The guy's RETIRING. And anyways, people get red cards all the time. Like Rooney he cost the World Cup for England, (he stepped on a dude's groin and then pushed Ronaldo in front of the referee.) Did people make a big deal out of that?? NO THEY DIDN"T!!! So, it was a little mistake. Or the World Cup was rigged. Zidane should NOT forfeit his Golden Ball award. HE FREAKIN DESERVES IT BECAUSE HE's A GREAT CAPTAIN. LET HIM GO IN PEACE!!ITALY DIDN'T DESERVE TO WIN. (ya, I said it.) They didn't do anything but score that one goal. And in the penalty kick shootout they just got lucky. Cuz, one of the French player didn't make his ball go in or have it slapped away by the italian keeper. ITALY JUST GOT FREAKIN" LUCKY. It was a great game til' the incident. ANd France had control of it. THEY TRIED,THEY WERE DOMINATING. ok, I"ll shut up now. I"m just saying that Zidane shouldn't forfeit his award, let him go in peace. Other people have had disgraceful behavior too. And you people didn'tmake a big deal out of that. WHY THIS??
mterazzi most dead
Reply:No, he deserves the Golden Ball after all, we cannot judge him from one single situation that we don't exactly know what happened . Though what happened happened and I wished that Zidane hold his temper ...
Reply:No, he won it fairly. It's not completly his fault that he headbutted the Italian player anyways.
Reply:Yes but he is not going to.
If he would so apologizing to fun's and Matterazi for what he did he would earn some respect back actually
Reply:zidane deserved all the titles he won, materazzi should be the one suffering from disgrace
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Zidane's Golden ball, is it fair for a player that shows that conduct in front of millios?
What example he gives to children as future players, showning no selfcontrol
Zidane's Golden ball, is it fair for a player that shows that conduct in front of millios?
cannavaro should have gotten it.
he played just as well, was just as important, and managed to keep his cool.
people are going to insult you and say things to you to get that reaction out of you. a truly great player rises above it. zidane didn't.
Reply:He has expressed himself on this subject. And apologized for all the children. He insisted on the fact such a thing should not have happened. I agree on what you say about the bad example but he spent a lot of time apologizing on live on TV for children and educators... What more could he do? It was too late to avoid the bad gesture.
The golden ball is meant for good players. and be objective, he is a GOOD PLAYER, isn't he?...
On top, is verbal violence a better example? We always underline the visible violence (on a tv screen, easy to see) but the other one, the verbal one is always ignored...
This is SPORT and not a hate competition!I am surprised to see how much your country reacts to this. Adult people should be able to forgive.
France and Italy are friends anyway, and they will always be! No matter who won!
Reply:NO.......HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT AND HE SHOULD BE STRIPPED OF THE GOLDEN BALL........when Totti spit after an insult and got suspened none of you frenchmen or Zidane admirers(pathetic)......said anything........how come?........the french are making it seem as if this is the first time trash talking has happened in sports........are you all imbeciles?........and Zidane a hero?.......god.........I'm glad you're not my kid or raising my kid........is France that pathetic that they see Zidane as a hero??.......keep drinking there buddies.......you really need it!!!!
Reply:Listen here Zidane head butt the guy 4 a reason he let it go 2 times an 3rd time he couldn't an i think u wouldn't be happy if somebody said something about ur sista an motha 3 times an the 3rd time i think u would switch to I'm happy Zidane ignored 4 a while an i would personal kick da guys thing to after the 1st time he said something bout my motha %26amp; sista he said materzzzi something about his motha an sista 3 times he said that in a french interview an i look up to zidane as a brave hero.
Reply:Zidane deserves it becuase he is a legend and i think his head butt was justified.
Reply:Zidane should NOT of gotten the Golden ball award. And the reason why isn't because of the head butt! It's because Cannavaro was the more consistent player in this World Cup. Zidane was shut down against Italy! He was frustrated because of this and I am sure some trash talking from Italy made him snap like a two-year old spoiled cry baby!
Trash talking happens in every sport he of all people should know this. Any athlete here knows this. Plus the true greats let there playing do the talking. Also Materrazi probably made fun of him for missing an earlier goal. I bet it had nothing do with racism or his mother! Who cares if Materazzi did make fun of Zidanes mother or sister, cry me a river! Be a man Zidane and let your playing do the talking.
Reply:Zidane said in a interview "I am a man before anything" just for that he should get the Golden ball. Just get over it Italy won the world cup what more do you want
Reply:Nope. Cannavaro definately deserved it. He played just as well as Zidane and he was a model of good sportmanship in the World Cup.
Edit- to the person who posted below me:
Being a legend has nothing to do with getting the Golden Ball. Whether or not Zidane was just in headbutting Materazzi also is irrelivant.
Reply:The voting was over before the match even started. ( He's retiring, this is his last game. let's give him the Golden Ball to show we appreciate his talent ) Whether they would've voted Zidane as the best player afterward is another matter altogether. Regardless of what Materazzi said to Zidane, Zidane should have kept his head, lol, he would have been the better man for it.
Reply:cannavaro shouldve won the gold ball even if zidane hadnt heatbutted materazzi in my opinion. cannavaro led his team and played the game so well, he deserved it more.
Reply:Golden Ball goes to the Best Player
NOT to the best role model !
Reply:Zidane does not deserve the Golden Ball..it should definitely have gone to Cannavaro!!
Reply:Yes it is fair Zidane was the best and deserved the award.
And given what we now know about what the Italians were doing to him the whole game I admire the restraint he showed. I would have reacted much sooner.
Reply:well zidane has show his skills and his talent through out his career like youre saying its a self controlissue and its not like he would do it every single time and i think that he desrves it
Reply:zidane definitely deserved the golden ball he is a great player if somebody talked about your family i know you would have done the same thing materazzi was wrong in saying anything about his family he only did it because if he got a red card they would have had a chance to win and they did
Reply:That is why, I think it should go to the Silver Ball award winner, Fabio Cannavaro, because Zidane is a moron.
-That doesn't mean one should get the Golden Ball because he's a LEGEND.
Reply:and that just shows that italy definitely deserved to win...for the simple fact that zidane is a damn fool!
Zidane's Golden ball, is it fair for a player that shows that conduct in front of millios?
cannavaro should have gotten it.
he played just as well, was just as important, and managed to keep his cool.
people are going to insult you and say things to you to get that reaction out of you. a truly great player rises above it. zidane didn't.
Reply:He has expressed himself on this subject. And apologized for all the children. He insisted on the fact such a thing should not have happened. I agree on what you say about the bad example but he spent a lot of time apologizing on live on TV for children and educators... What more could he do? It was too late to avoid the bad gesture.
The golden ball is meant for good players. and be objective, he is a GOOD PLAYER, isn't he?...
On top, is verbal violence a better example? We always underline the visible violence (on a tv screen, easy to see) but the other one, the verbal one is always ignored...
This is SPORT and not a hate competition!I am surprised to see how much your country reacts to this. Adult people should be able to forgive.
France and Italy are friends anyway, and they will always be! No matter who won!
Reply:NO.......HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT AND HE SHOULD BE STRIPPED OF THE GOLDEN BALL........when Totti spit after an insult and got suspened none of you frenchmen or Zidane admirers(pathetic)......said anything........how come?........the french are making it seem as if this is the first time trash talking has happened in sports........are you all imbeciles?........and Zidane a hero?.......god.........I'm glad you're not my kid or raising my kid........is France that pathetic that they see Zidane as a hero??.......keep drinking there buddies.......you really need it!!!!
Reply:Listen here Zidane head butt the guy 4 a reason he let it go 2 times an 3rd time he couldn't an i think u wouldn't be happy if somebody said something about ur sista an motha 3 times an the 3rd time i think u would switch to I'm happy Zidane ignored 4 a while an i would personal kick da guys thing to after the 1st time he said something bout my motha %26amp; sista he said materzzzi something about his motha an sista 3 times he said that in a french interview an i look up to zidane as a brave hero.
Reply:Zidane deserves it becuase he is a legend and i think his head butt was justified.
Reply:Zidane should NOT of gotten the Golden ball award. And the reason why isn't because of the head butt! It's because Cannavaro was the more consistent player in this World Cup. Zidane was shut down against Italy! He was frustrated because of this and I am sure some trash talking from Italy made him snap like a two-year old spoiled cry baby!
Trash talking happens in every sport he of all people should know this. Any athlete here knows this. Plus the true greats let there playing do the talking. Also Materrazi probably made fun of him for missing an earlier goal. I bet it had nothing do with racism or his mother! Who cares if Materazzi did make fun of Zidanes mother or sister, cry me a river! Be a man Zidane and let your playing do the talking.
Reply:Zidane said in a interview "I am a man before anything" just for that he should get the Golden ball. Just get over it Italy won the world cup what more do you want
Reply:Nope. Cannavaro definately deserved it. He played just as well as Zidane and he was a model of good sportmanship in the World Cup.
Edit- to the person who posted below me:
Being a legend has nothing to do with getting the Golden Ball. Whether or not Zidane was just in headbutting Materazzi also is irrelivant.
Reply:The voting was over before the match even started. ( He's retiring, this is his last game. let's give him the Golden Ball to show we appreciate his talent ) Whether they would've voted Zidane as the best player afterward is another matter altogether. Regardless of what Materazzi said to Zidane, Zidane should have kept his head, lol, he would have been the better man for it.
Reply:cannavaro shouldve won the gold ball even if zidane hadnt heatbutted materazzi in my opinion. cannavaro led his team and played the game so well, he deserved it more.
Reply:Golden Ball goes to the Best Player
NOT to the best role model !
Reply:Zidane does not deserve the Golden Ball..it should definitely have gone to Cannavaro!!
Reply:Yes it is fair Zidane was the best and deserved the award.
And given what we now know about what the Italians were doing to him the whole game I admire the restraint he showed. I would have reacted much sooner.
Reply:well zidane has show his skills and his talent through out his career like youre saying its a self controlissue and its not like he would do it every single time and i think that he desrves it
Reply:zidane definitely deserved the golden ball he is a great player if somebody talked about your family i know you would have done the same thing materazzi was wrong in saying anything about his family he only did it because if he got a red card they would have had a chance to win and they did
Reply:That is why, I think it should go to the Silver Ball award winner, Fabio Cannavaro, because Zidane is a moron.
-That doesn't mean one should get the Golden Ball because he's a LEGEND.
Reply:and that just shows that italy definitely deserved to win...for the simple fact that zidane is a damn fool!
When was established the Adidas Golden Ball and who are all the winners?
Established in 1982.
1982 Paolo Rossi - Italy
1986 Diego Maradona - Argentina
1990 Salvatore Schillaci - Italy
1994 Romário - Brazil
1998 Ronaldo - Brazil
2002 Oliver Kahn - Germany
When was established the Adidas Golden Ball and who are all the winners?
The Golden Ball is an award attributed to the most outstanding player of the World Cup final tournament. FIFA announces a shortlist of ten nominees which is then voted by media representatives. The most voted player is elected to win the Golden Ball, the second most voted player wins the Silver Ball and the third most voted player wins the Bronze Ball. Its awarding is shrouded by allegations of being influenced by diplomacy: the three awards have always been won by players from three different nations.
1982 - Paolo Rossi (Italy)
1986 - Diego Maradona (Argentina)
1990 - Salvatore Schillaci (Italy)
1994 - Romário (Brazil)
1998 - Ronaldo (Brazil)
2002 - Oliver Kahn (Germany)
2006 - ?
Reply:Adidas Golden Ball has been established in 1982 and several players including Diego Maradona and Ronaldo won the Golden Ball. The website below gives the list of all players that won the Golden Ball as of now.
Reply:It was Established in 1982 (but just as The Golden Ball not The Adidas Golden Ball)
Paolo Rossi (Italy) 1982
Diego Maradona (Argentina) 1986
Salvatore Schillaci (Italy) 1990
Romário (Brazil)1994
Ronaldo (Brazil) 1998
Oliver Kahn (Germany) 2002
1982 Paolo Rossi - Italy
1986 Diego Maradona - Argentina
1990 Salvatore Schillaci - Italy
1994 Romário - Brazil
1998 Ronaldo - Brazil
2002 Oliver Kahn - Germany
When was established the Adidas Golden Ball and who are all the winners?
The Golden Ball is an award attributed to the most outstanding player of the World Cup final tournament. FIFA announces a shortlist of ten nominees which is then voted by media representatives. The most voted player is elected to win the Golden Ball, the second most voted player wins the Silver Ball and the third most voted player wins the Bronze Ball. Its awarding is shrouded by allegations of being influenced by diplomacy: the three awards have always been won by players from three different nations.
1982 - Paolo Rossi (Italy)
1986 - Diego Maradona (Argentina)
1990 - Salvatore Schillaci (Italy)
1994 - Romário (Brazil)
1998 - Ronaldo (Brazil)
2002 - Oliver Kahn (Germany)
2006 - ?
Reply:Adidas Golden Ball has been established in 1982 and several players including Diego Maradona and Ronaldo won the Golden Ball. The website below gives the list of all players that won the Golden Ball as of now.
Reply:It was Established in 1982 (but just as The Golden Ball not The Adidas Golden Ball)
Paolo Rossi (Italy) 1982
Diego Maradona (Argentina) 1986
Salvatore Schillaci (Italy) 1990
Romário (Brazil)1994
Ronaldo (Brazil) 1998
Oliver Kahn (Germany) 2002
Who is the only goalkeeper to win the Golden Ball at a World Cup ?
Oliver Kahn . . .
In 2002, he won the Adidas Golden Ball for best player and the Yashin Award for top goalkeeper of the 2002 World Cup, after allowing only two of the seven national sides to score against him: the Republic of Ireland and the ultimate champions Brazil. Despite being beaten only three times overall, he was widely blamed for losing the final after allowing Brazilian striker Ronaldoto score the first goal. He also starred for his country at Euro 2000 and Euro 2004.
Who is the only goalkeeper to win the Golden Ball at a World Cup ?
Oliver Kahn
Reply:Oliver Kahn in 2002
Reply:That was the outrageous decision FIFA made last World Cup in 2002 German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, even though he played a horrible game in the final against Brazil, and was directly responsible for Ronaldo´s first goal in the final, which opened the way to Brazil´s easy 2 x 0 victory in the first world cup match ever between Brazil and Germany.
skin disease
In 2002, he won the Adidas Golden Ball for best player and the Yashin Award for top goalkeeper of the 2002 World Cup, after allowing only two of the seven national sides to score against him: the Republic of Ireland and the ultimate champions Brazil. Despite being beaten only three times overall, he was widely blamed for losing the final after allowing Brazilian striker Ronaldoto score the first goal. He also starred for his country at Euro 2000 and Euro 2004.
Who is the only goalkeeper to win the Golden Ball at a World Cup ?
Oliver Kahn
Reply:Oliver Kahn in 2002
Reply:That was the outrageous decision FIFA made last World Cup in 2002 German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, even though he played a horrible game in the final against Brazil, and was directly responsible for Ronaldo´s first goal in the final, which opened the way to Brazil´s easy 2 x 0 victory in the first world cup match ever between Brazil and Germany.
skin disease
Who in your opinion should of won the Golden Ball in World Cup?
Personally my vote would of gone for Fabio Cannavaro.....but I would like to see who you would of voted for!!
Who in your opinion should of won the Golden Ball in World Cup?
FABIO CANAVARRO - Most definitely out did every other player. i hardly think theres a single other player who could play better than him. its a shame people voted for zidane before the 'incident' or canavarro would have most definitely got it after everyone saw what a lousy git zidane proved to be.
Reply:Andrea Pirlo for me.
Reply:I hate the French as much as any other American, but the answer simply has to be Zidane. He just outplayed everybody throughout the tournament, had some clutch plays and some clutch goals (not to mention some clutch freek kicks) in some clutch situations, and just outshone everyone else on his team or on that of his opponents. The headbutt was a stain on his career, but should not have affected his possession of the Golden Ball in the World Cup 2006.
Reply:Agree with you. Cannavaro should have won the Golden Ball award. Anyway, it is already in the past. At least Cannavaro led his team to the championship, and Zidane left the game in shame.
Reply:zidane- for butt heading
Reply:andrea pirlo
Reply:Cannavaro. He's an amazing defender and was an amazing captain. Was the backbone of the Italian team. Forza Italia ;-)
Reply:Cannavaro gets my vote. Yes Zidane did play extremely well but I think Fabio Cannavaro outdid him.
Reply:Zidane, oh yeah the world cup ended a month ago, get with it!
Reply:Zidane of course! He truly earned it, and that's why he got it.
Reply:Libby Should have won it
Reply:The person that actually did...
Who in your opinion should of won the Golden Ball in World Cup?
FABIO CANAVARRO - Most definitely out did every other player. i hardly think theres a single other player who could play better than him. its a shame people voted for zidane before the 'incident' or canavarro would have most definitely got it after everyone saw what a lousy git zidane proved to be.
Reply:Andrea Pirlo for me.
Reply:I hate the French as much as any other American, but the answer simply has to be Zidane. He just outplayed everybody throughout the tournament, had some clutch plays and some clutch goals (not to mention some clutch freek kicks) in some clutch situations, and just outshone everyone else on his team or on that of his opponents. The headbutt was a stain on his career, but should not have affected his possession of the Golden Ball in the World Cup 2006.
Reply:Agree with you. Cannavaro should have won the Golden Ball award. Anyway, it is already in the past. At least Cannavaro led his team to the championship, and Zidane left the game in shame.
Reply:zidane- for butt heading
Reply:andrea pirlo
Reply:Cannavaro. He's an amazing defender and was an amazing captain. Was the backbone of the Italian team. Forza Italia ;-)
Reply:Cannavaro gets my vote. Yes Zidane did play extremely well but I think Fabio Cannavaro outdid him.
Reply:Zidane, oh yeah the world cup ended a month ago, get with it!
Reply:Zidane of course! He truly earned it, and that's why he got it.
Reply:Libby Should have won it
Reply:The person that actually did...
What is the answer to this riddle trip with no fall 5sided space small golden ball a magical place?
'Tripp" (not trip) was the woman who worked in the pentagon (5 sided space) and blew the whistle on Monika Lewinsky. The small golden ball which does rather magical things was Viagra.
You can work the rest out,I think.
You can work the rest out,I think.
What is the Pokemon in the golden ball in the Pokemon show?
i think it was in the johto
because i thought it was ho-oh. but im not sure plz help
What is the Pokemon in the golden ball in the Pokemon show?
"...the GS Ball turned out to be apparently little more than a meaningless plot device; the thread was completely dropped despite allusions in its final episode that more information was to be revealed."
Reply:Pokemon!! Who still watches pokemon... LOL
because i thought it was ho-oh. but im not sure plz help
What is the Pokemon in the golden ball in the Pokemon show?
"...the GS Ball turned out to be apparently little more than a meaningless plot device; the thread was completely dropped despite allusions in its final episode that more information was to be revealed."
Reply:Pokemon!! Who still watches pokemon... LOL
Who will win the awards - Golden Ball/Golden Shoe/Best Young Player?
Golden Ball - Miro Klose
Golden Shoe - Miro Klose (but it'd be cool if he and Lukas Podolski tied for this!)
Best Young Player - Lukas Podolski
Germany might be out of the running for a WC title, but their players are still amazing.
Also - do you think that Oliver Kahn should play in the consolation final match on Saturday? I really want to see him in action because I missed the last WC where he got the Golden Ball award, and I think it's a shame that he didn't make a single appearance this year (even though Lehmann's still great, but would Kahn've been better?).
Who will win the awards - Golden Ball/Golden Shoe/Best Young Player?
Golden Ball: I believe the race will be between Zidane and Buffon. If Buffon has a shut out he should get it. If France prevail with Zidane's contributions then he will win it. Golden Ball is like MVP in every sport and I have never seen it awarded to a losing team when there are two candidates available from the finalists.
Golden Shoe: Should be Klose, unless Zidane scores in the final (if Klose doesnt score anymore) and ties him or scores two and passes him.
Best Young player: My vote is for Podolski. He started slow but certainly got more comfortable, confident and better as the tournament went on. BUt although i dont like the Frenchies Ribery should have probably been in the running as well.
Finally: Lehman played a good tournamenet. There was noithing he could do against Italy either. But - OLIVER KAHN is still the best in the business. Just like Zidane, Nedved, and Roberto Carlos were not benched due to their age KAHN should not have been either.
Reply:Here we go again...I had already answered it but the stupid thing didn't let me post it..arghh..I hate it when that happens..okay so...
I think Miroslav Klose should win for Golden Ball....he was excellent....
For Golden Shoe..Germany again...or Zidane...he has helped Les Bleus make a comeback...who would have thought France would be in the Final? Not me...but it's cool...
and for Best Young Player should be Lucas Podolski....he was so fun to watch....I think he deserves it...
and yes Germany players are amazing...especially Ballack ;-)
and I also think Oliver Kahn should start in this consolation match..at least so we can see him once...it would be good for him and just to have a very exciting match.....
Go Germany!
Reply:Germany hasn't exited.... they are in the bronze match on Saturday, I think Miroslav Klose will win the Golden Shoe.... Golden Ball might be the Buffon... but honestly Fabio Cannavaro deserved a nod here.. he is the best central defender in the World Cup and he goes above and beyond..... that man deserved more recognition.... Defenders don't get the attention they ought too.. Cannavaro was the main reason Germany could not get many shots on goal..
naturally I would love Podolski to get best young player, but I check the stats on FIFA and he was not the in the top, things can change though.
I saw some games of Bayer Munich with Kahn in net and he was not playing like he did in the World Cup 2002 or the Euro's, not as solid as he once was. Honestly I was concerned he was going to be our number one this year, I was relieved it was Lehmann. Lehmann is the same age as Kahn so if Lehmann did not play in this World Cup he would have never got the chance...
btw every heard the song my Die Prinzen called "Oli Kahn"?
I was surprised to find out how many of the German team is only 21, which is great, its not an old squad, they had to do a lot of revamping when a lot of the older players form 2002 retired. Imagine the skill of those young players in 2010 if they are playing this well now.
Reply:golden ball-buffon/lehmann
golden shoe-miroslav klose
best young player-lucas podolski
yes,oliver khan should play...i want to see him 2222222....yes he could have been better.......
Reply:Golden ball - Zinedine Zidane
Golden Shoe - Miro Klose
Best Young Player - Lional Messi or Aaron Lennon
Reply:Golden Ball- Klose
Golden Shoe- Zidane
Best Young Player- C. Ronaldo
And to answer you question, I think Lehmann was the right choice as Germany's starting keeper and also lI would ike to see Kahn play in the consolation match.
Reply:ALl of those could be completely be changed due to GErmanys early exit.
Golden ball could go to theirry henry. and Golden ball i think is given to a player playing in the finals, so no germany players.
Best Young player is currently Valencia of Ecuador.
Reply:I'm pretty sure Klose's got the Golden Shoe. Golden ball is open for contest, but Zidane seems to be in best position. Best young player: Lukas Podolski.
And yes, I think Kahn is better in terms of skills, Lehmann seems to be more hard work than talent in my opinion, but he's doing great so far so Germany's unlikely to take him off.
Reply:GB: Zidane
GS: Klose
BYP: Podolski
Shark Teeth
Golden Shoe - Miro Klose (but it'd be cool if he and Lukas Podolski tied for this!)
Best Young Player - Lukas Podolski
Germany might be out of the running for a WC title, but their players are still amazing.
Also - do you think that Oliver Kahn should play in the consolation final match on Saturday? I really want to see him in action because I missed the last WC where he got the Golden Ball award, and I think it's a shame that he didn't make a single appearance this year (even though Lehmann's still great, but would Kahn've been better?).
Who will win the awards - Golden Ball/Golden Shoe/Best Young Player?
Golden Ball: I believe the race will be between Zidane and Buffon. If Buffon has a shut out he should get it. If France prevail with Zidane's contributions then he will win it. Golden Ball is like MVP in every sport and I have never seen it awarded to a losing team when there are two candidates available from the finalists.
Golden Shoe: Should be Klose, unless Zidane scores in the final (if Klose doesnt score anymore) and ties him or scores two and passes him.
Best Young player: My vote is for Podolski. He started slow but certainly got more comfortable, confident and better as the tournament went on. BUt although i dont like the Frenchies Ribery should have probably been in the running as well.
Finally: Lehman played a good tournamenet. There was noithing he could do against Italy either. But - OLIVER KAHN is still the best in the business. Just like Zidane, Nedved, and Roberto Carlos were not benched due to their age KAHN should not have been either.
Reply:Here we go again...I had already answered it but the stupid thing didn't let me post it..arghh..I hate it when that happens..okay so...
I think Miroslav Klose should win for Golden Ball....he was excellent....
For Golden Shoe..Germany again...or Zidane...he has helped Les Bleus make a comeback...who would have thought France would be in the Final? Not me...but it's cool...
and for Best Young Player should be Lucas Podolski....he was so fun to watch....I think he deserves it...
and yes Germany players are amazing...especially Ballack ;-)
and I also think Oliver Kahn should start in this consolation match..at least so we can see him once...it would be good for him and just to have a very exciting match.....
Go Germany!
Reply:Germany hasn't exited.... they are in the bronze match on Saturday, I think Miroslav Klose will win the Golden Shoe.... Golden Ball might be the Buffon... but honestly Fabio Cannavaro deserved a nod here.. he is the best central defender in the World Cup and he goes above and beyond..... that man deserved more recognition.... Defenders don't get the attention they ought too.. Cannavaro was the main reason Germany could not get many shots on goal..
naturally I would love Podolski to get best young player, but I check the stats on FIFA and he was not the in the top, things can change though.
I saw some games of Bayer Munich with Kahn in net and he was not playing like he did in the World Cup 2002 or the Euro's, not as solid as he once was. Honestly I was concerned he was going to be our number one this year, I was relieved it was Lehmann. Lehmann is the same age as Kahn so if Lehmann did not play in this World Cup he would have never got the chance...
btw every heard the song my Die Prinzen called "Oli Kahn"?
I was surprised to find out how many of the German team is only 21, which is great, its not an old squad, they had to do a lot of revamping when a lot of the older players form 2002 retired. Imagine the skill of those young players in 2010 if they are playing this well now.
Reply:golden ball-buffon/lehmann
golden shoe-miroslav klose
best young player-lucas podolski
yes,oliver khan should play...i want to see him 2222222....yes he could have been better.......
Reply:Golden ball - Zinedine Zidane
Golden Shoe - Miro Klose
Best Young Player - Lional Messi or Aaron Lennon
Reply:Golden Ball- Klose
Golden Shoe- Zidane
Best Young Player- C. Ronaldo
And to answer you question, I think Lehmann was the right choice as Germany's starting keeper and also lI would ike to see Kahn play in the consolation match.
Reply:ALl of those could be completely be changed due to GErmanys early exit.
Golden ball could go to theirry henry. and Golden ball i think is given to a player playing in the finals, so no germany players.
Best Young player is currently Valencia of Ecuador.
Reply:I'm pretty sure Klose's got the Golden Shoe. Golden ball is open for contest, but Zidane seems to be in best position. Best young player: Lukas Podolski.
And yes, I think Kahn is better in terms of skills, Lehmann seems to be more hard work than talent in my opinion, but he's doing great so far so Germany's unlikely to take him off.
Reply:GB: Zidane
GS: Klose
BYP: Podolski
Shark Teeth
Who will win the FIFA world cup 2006 and who will get the golden ball ?
In my ponit of view England win the fifa but now roony is not well that why Brazil or argentina got it and golden ball gose to Ronaldinjo
Who will win the FIFA world cup 2006 and who will get the golden ball ?
Australia or Japan
Reply:ronaldinhno he is amazing cant hate
or iran
Reply:Argentina will win and Zannetti will get the Golden Ball.
Reply:Brazil and the golden ball wwill go to ronaldhino.
Reply:I think Brazil will win it again this year.
Reply:i m a fan of azzurri Team ( Italia ) ... and i guess they are ready to have the world cup ....((( i hope so )) and the golden ball will gose to ronaldinho
Reply:Italy and Ronaldinho will be top scorer.
Reply:i'll pray for italy, holland, and germany.. so i'm sure one of them will win the world cup.. the golden ball... i hope michael ballack!!
Who will win the FIFA world cup 2006 and who will get the golden ball ?
Australia or Japan
Reply:ronaldinhno he is amazing cant hate
or iran
Reply:Argentina will win and Zannetti will get the Golden Ball.
Reply:Brazil and the golden ball wwill go to ronaldhino.
Reply:I think Brazil will win it again this year.
Reply:i m a fan of azzurri Team ( Italia ) ... and i guess they are ready to have the world cup ....((( i hope so )) and the golden ball will gose to ronaldinho
Reply:Italy and Ronaldinho will be top scorer.
Reply:i'll pray for italy, holland, and germany.. so i'm sure one of them will win the world cup.. the golden ball... i hope michael ballack!!
Zidane's won the golden ball,does he deserve it?
I think he does, he played well throughout the tournament and it's a good consolation prize after probably the most embarrassing moment of his career.
Zidane's won the golden ball,does he deserve it?
Yes. The Golden ball is decided before the end of the first half- therefore, relying on the information and the performance evaluated while making the decision, Zidane did deserve the award. He's a fantastic captain, an incredible striker and an inspiration to dedicated footballers everywhere. Yes he made a mistake in the second half.... a big mistake.... but we all have regrets and moments of irrationality and he doesn't deserve to have his incredible achievements negated by it.
Reply:OF COURSE !!!
Reply:he deserve it. He got balls and now it's golden;)
Reply:i think that he does deserve it even if he headbutted materazi who deserved it because acoording to some resources he either insulted his mother or have done some racial acts like saying to zidane.."get back to africa whaere you belong"...if this was approved'racism'then i think that italy should not have the world cup and the match must restart.....
Reply:yes, he did deserve it!!!!
Reply:i don't think he deserves.Because at the match Italy vs France he headbutted an Italian player and he got a red card.Even this year is the last year he is playing in the FIFA world cup i think he should not deserve it.
Reply:did he win it?
Reply:FIFA makes a mockery and farce of the organisation, tournament and award by naming Zidane for Golden Ball. It's like saying: we're honoring you because of your contribution to the game which includes headbutting the opponent. What hyprocrisy!
Reply:No way!
Reply:yes, he do
Reply:No. He is a well respected "older" player. Along with that title comes responsibility, one of those responsibilities is to control yourself because younger up and coming players are watching you.
It is a shame because it will overshadow what was a good career, but people will remember this of him for the rest of his life and beyond.
Reply:yeah I agree with you...but having him butthead materazzi was really sad, and so not fair play and professional....
Reply:no way Fifa should reconsider this decision.
Reply:yes he deserves the golden ball as he had played very well thru out the tournament . moreover because of a silly mistake u can't tak e away what he is . what i saw was that almost all the players were doin sthg or other . some were pulling some pushing some other something else only thing was his was more clear n other just do it n show it that it was by mistake then all the players who do it shud be punished n not only him. so that no one does it again. n evryone plays a fair game. 90 % of the players do it delibrately only few r by mistake. that is a diff thing who is caught by refree n who is not.
Reply:Just golden ball.......
nahh.... its not fair...
I think he shud have been given world heavy weight title too...for that damn head-butt...
Reply:Yes, he does.
Reply:yes i answered this before ppl stop asking the same Question
Reply:No way. Apart from the disgrace n the last game what had he done actually? Was invisible in first two games, got suspended in third group game, and scored two penalty's? Wow!
If they wanted to give it French then Riberi or Anri deserved it more..
Zidane's won the golden ball,does he deserve it?
Yes. The Golden ball is decided before the end of the first half- therefore, relying on the information and the performance evaluated while making the decision, Zidane did deserve the award. He's a fantastic captain, an incredible striker and an inspiration to dedicated footballers everywhere. Yes he made a mistake in the second half.... a big mistake.... but we all have regrets and moments of irrationality and he doesn't deserve to have his incredible achievements negated by it.
Reply:OF COURSE !!!
Reply:he deserve it. He got balls and now it's golden;)
Reply:i think that he does deserve it even if he headbutted materazi who deserved it because acoording to some resources he either insulted his mother or have done some racial acts like saying to zidane.."get back to africa whaere you belong"...if this was approved'racism'then i think that italy should not have the world cup and the match must restart.....
Reply:yes, he did deserve it!!!!
Reply:i don't think he deserves.Because at the match Italy vs France he headbutted an Italian player and he got a red card.Even this year is the last year he is playing in the FIFA world cup i think he should not deserve it.
Reply:did he win it?
Reply:FIFA makes a mockery and farce of the organisation, tournament and award by naming Zidane for Golden Ball. It's like saying: we're honoring you because of your contribution to the game which includes headbutting the opponent. What hyprocrisy!
Reply:No way!
Reply:yes, he do
Reply:No. He is a well respected "older" player. Along with that title comes responsibility, one of those responsibilities is to control yourself because younger up and coming players are watching you.
It is a shame because it will overshadow what was a good career, but people will remember this of him for the rest of his life and beyond.
Reply:yeah I agree with you...but having him butthead materazzi was really sad, and so not fair play and professional....
Reply:no way Fifa should reconsider this decision.
Reply:yes he deserves the golden ball as he had played very well thru out the tournament . moreover because of a silly mistake u can't tak e away what he is . what i saw was that almost all the players were doin sthg or other . some were pulling some pushing some other something else only thing was his was more clear n other just do it n show it that it was by mistake then all the players who do it shud be punished n not only him. so that no one does it again. n evryone plays a fair game. 90 % of the players do it delibrately only few r by mistake. that is a diff thing who is caught by refree n who is not.
Reply:Just golden ball.......
nahh.... its not fair...
I think he shud have been given world heavy weight title too...for that damn head-butt...
Reply:Yes, he does.
Reply:yes i answered this before ppl stop asking the same Question
Reply:No way. Apart from the disgrace n the last game what had he done actually? Was invisible in first two games, got suspended in third group game, and scored two penalty's? Wow!
If they wanted to give it French then Riberi or Anri deserved it more..
What is this tiny golden ball of light?
I was having supper at the table when all of a sudden I see this hovering tiny shiny golden ball of light, maybe the size of a b.b or pellet the kind used in b.b guns, floated across 2 feet away from me and after maybe 3 seconds disappeared. It did have a physical sphere look to it. I don't do drugs or drink. has anyone seen or have any idea? thanks,
What is this tiny golden ball of light?
I believe you. Myself and my family have seen many different things that are "out of the ordinary". We know other people as well that have their share of stories. I don't' take drugs either.
You start to realize you are not alone in seeing them and you feel a little better. I do not believe that we are all hallucinating. We are OK :)
All I can say is that there are many forms of life. This creation is an magical place!
Reply:Um.... Tinkerbell?
Reply:you need some rest if you're seeing such stuff just floating in the air
it is definitely some kind of hallucination.
Reply:If you would have caught it you could have gotten 150 points for your house team!
On the serious side it could have been a lot of things, it could have been small hallucination due to a sudden shift in the electromagnetic field around you. Are you anywhere near a fault line?
Reply:Congratulations! Your first stroke!
Reply:Personally I think that you live in a town/country where it rains a lot. And that golden ball of light was the sun. You just haven't seen it for a while so you didn't know what it was.
Reply:those happen sometimes to some people when they have bowel movements ... its usually associated with migrain headaches also ... there can be a single ball of light that sits in one place or streaks of light that seem to float across ur field of vision .. it can last from a few seconds to a few minuets .. and i bet u had a bowel movement soon after that ... or ur constipated ..
Reply:This is a phenomenon that is not uncommon. They are called “orbs”, look them up on the net.
Reply:A eensy teensy UFO.
A firefly and you didn't have your glasses on.
A broken blood vessel in your eye.
A dream from a micro-sleep moment.
Otherwise, you are pulling our legs???
Reply:It's a talisman.
Reply:I witnessed something like this several years ago. I am christian and my husband also saw it with me. It was beautiful. I wanted to see it again, but I never did.
Reply:it was probably just a firefly.
Reply:It could be an orb
Reply:It could have been an optical illusion or a hallucination (not drug induced).
Reply:EJ: Ignore the poor uniformed souls who answered you. It is called and orb and you are obvioulsy in a spiritual realm or "special" in some way. It is a supernatural happening and it is great. usually they only appear in pictures. I took dozen of pictures in Norway and they are full of them as it is a mystical place. you also may see more signs about you. The rest of you can make jokes as it probably makes you seem superior. This is a real happening. Someone good came by to visit you. You other clucks probably see things on broomsticks!!
Reply:You just had a brain aneurysm or a sinus release. If you get a headache, call the doctor.
Reply:Too much acid in the 60's.
Reply:You may be seeing the nature spirits that work with the Native American medicine people in the inipi and yuwipi ceremonies.
Reply:It's the golden snitch, from Harry Potter.
Reply:I captured one of these in a photograph on a digital camera; I have heard of orbs and how they can be seen in supposedly haunted houses. I never saw it physically, but the camera did. But it could be many things, including an electronic artifact; I see translucent "cholesterol spots" often in my field of vision, and I can tell that they originate with me when I move my eyes deliberately and the spots move with my eyes. But to see it as a solid physical phenomenon is unusual and it begs further questioning. Try to remember the circumstances under which it happened and if it happens again, compare the circumstances and keep a log.
Reply:OMG!!! its the angel of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this tiny golden ball of light?
I believe you. Myself and my family have seen many different things that are "out of the ordinary". We know other people as well that have their share of stories. I don't' take drugs either.
You start to realize you are not alone in seeing them and you feel a little better. I do not believe that we are all hallucinating. We are OK :)
All I can say is that there are many forms of life. This creation is an magical place!
Reply:Um.... Tinkerbell?
Reply:you need some rest if you're seeing such stuff just floating in the air
it is definitely some kind of hallucination.
Reply:If you would have caught it you could have gotten 150 points for your house team!
On the serious side it could have been a lot of things, it could have been small hallucination due to a sudden shift in the electromagnetic field around you. Are you anywhere near a fault line?
Reply:Congratulations! Your first stroke!
Reply:Personally I think that you live in a town/country where it rains a lot. And that golden ball of light was the sun. You just haven't seen it for a while so you didn't know what it was.
Reply:those happen sometimes to some people when they have bowel movements ... its usually associated with migrain headaches also ... there can be a single ball of light that sits in one place or streaks of light that seem to float across ur field of vision .. it can last from a few seconds to a few minuets .. and i bet u had a bowel movement soon after that ... or ur constipated ..
Reply:This is a phenomenon that is not uncommon. They are called “orbs”, look them up on the net.
Reply:A eensy teensy UFO.
A firefly and you didn't have your glasses on.
A broken blood vessel in your eye.
A dream from a micro-sleep moment.
Otherwise, you are pulling our legs???
Reply:It's a talisman.
Reply:I witnessed something like this several years ago. I am christian and my husband also saw it with me. It was beautiful. I wanted to see it again, but I never did.
Reply:it was probably just a firefly.
Reply:It could be an orb
Reply:It could have been an optical illusion or a hallucination (not drug induced).
Reply:EJ: Ignore the poor uniformed souls who answered you. It is called and orb and you are obvioulsy in a spiritual realm or "special" in some way. It is a supernatural happening and it is great. usually they only appear in pictures. I took dozen of pictures in Norway and they are full of them as it is a mystical place. you also may see more signs about you. The rest of you can make jokes as it probably makes you seem superior. This is a real happening. Someone good came by to visit you. You other clucks probably see things on broomsticks!!
Reply:You just had a brain aneurysm or a sinus release. If you get a headache, call the doctor.
Reply:Too much acid in the 60's.
Reply:You may be seeing the nature spirits that work with the Native American medicine people in the inipi and yuwipi ceremonies.
Reply:It's the golden snitch, from Harry Potter.
Reply:I captured one of these in a photograph on a digital camera; I have heard of orbs and how they can be seen in supposedly haunted houses. I never saw it physically, but the camera did. But it could be many things, including an electronic artifact; I see translucent "cholesterol spots" often in my field of vision, and I can tell that they originate with me when I move my eyes deliberately and the spots move with my eyes. But to see it as a solid physical phenomenon is unusual and it begs further questioning. Try to remember the circumstances under which it happened and if it happens again, compare the circumstances and keep a log.
Reply:OMG!!! its the angel of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think that ronaldinho should have won the golden ball again?
i dont think he shouldve won because it doesnt matter how good he was he still couldnt get to the finals and he didnt score that many goals i think zidane was very deserving of it even though he was insulted by materazzi and decided to act upon it just as i would have
Do you think that ronaldinho should have won the golden ball again?
No, not in 2006 because he was just his own ghost this year.
Juninho %26amp; Samuel Eto'o are my favourits.
casual shoes
Do you think that ronaldinho should have won the golden ball again?
No, not in 2006 because he was just his own ghost this year.
Juninho %26amp; Samuel Eto'o are my favourits.
casual shoes
Who won the golden ball as the best player in this world cup?
zinedine zidane!!!!
Who won the golden ball as the best player in this world cup?
Thank God Zidane got it! He deserved it, seriously his performance as a player was memorable, best in the whole tournament.. and yes unfortunately there is the red card incident, but seriously, can you imagine being judged for all your mistakes? One mistake no matter how huge doesn't define you... He was the best and Fifa certainly did a good job at judging the player's abilities and not his temper ;)
Reply:The Headbutting King - Zidane
2nd = Cannavaro - ITALY
3rd = Pirlo - ITALY
Reply:Unlikely "ZIDANE"....
yeah... really a GOOD EXAMPLE to give... especially as a CAPTAIN!
start a fight during a game!
WOW... what a GREAT PLAYER!!!
Reply:zidane it was choosen at half time before he headbutted him !
Reply:i think it should of gone 2 cannavaro
Reply:Zidane of France... I guess they overlooked his slip in judgment during the final and considered his better playing throughout the tournament.
What a way to end his career?!
A red card and a golden ball!
Reply:Zidane,2000 points
Cannavaro 1999 points
Buffon-best goal keeper
Reply:Zidane.. good for him. I just wish he did not do the headbutt!!! Silly !!
Reply:David Beckham !!!!!!
Reply:It's another sad day for soccer when a loser wins the golden ball. I guess FIFA couldn't give two penalty kicks for no reason but they made it up to cry baby France and gave zizi the cry baby a golden ball.
Reply:Zidane- but we all know he didnt deserve it for his little "outburst" in the final.
Fabio Cannavaro should have won.
Forza Italia!
Reply:Zeinedine Zidane
Who won the golden ball as the best player in this world cup?
Thank God Zidane got it! He deserved it, seriously his performance as a player was memorable, best in the whole tournament.. and yes unfortunately there is the red card incident, but seriously, can you imagine being judged for all your mistakes? One mistake no matter how huge doesn't define you... He was the best and Fifa certainly did a good job at judging the player's abilities and not his temper ;)
Reply:The Headbutting King - Zidane
2nd = Cannavaro - ITALY
3rd = Pirlo - ITALY
Reply:Unlikely "ZIDANE"....
yeah... really a GOOD EXAMPLE to give... especially as a CAPTAIN!
start a fight during a game!
WOW... what a GREAT PLAYER!!!
Reply:zidane it was choosen at half time before he headbutted him !
Reply:i think it should of gone 2 cannavaro
Reply:Zidane of France... I guess they overlooked his slip in judgment during the final and considered his better playing throughout the tournament.
What a way to end his career?!
A red card and a golden ball!
Reply:Zidane,2000 points
Cannavaro 1999 points
Buffon-best goal keeper
Reply:Zidane.. good for him. I just wish he did not do the headbutt!!! Silly !!
Reply:David Beckham !!!!!!
Reply:It's another sad day for soccer when a loser wins the golden ball. I guess FIFA couldn't give two penalty kicks for no reason but they made it up to cry baby France and gave zizi the cry baby a golden ball.
Reply:Zidane- but we all know he didnt deserve it for his little "outburst" in the final.
Fabio Cannavaro should have won.
Forza Italia!
Reply:Zeinedine Zidane
Who got the Golden Ball in World Cup?
I paid attention to the World Cup just turned it off when Zidane got booted.
Who got the Golden Ball in World Cup?
Zidane. The votes had been counted before he headered the player! Shocker!
Reply:Then you wouldn't like that Zidane got it.
Reply:Zinadine ZIDANE!!!
That Marco Materazzi couldn't steal Zizou's thunder.
Who got the Golden Ball in World Cup?
Zidane. The votes had been counted before he headered the player! Shocker!
Reply:Then you wouldn't like that Zidane got it.
Reply:Zinadine ZIDANE!!!
That Marco Materazzi couldn't steal Zizou's thunder.
Which player has won the Adida golden ball during the fifa world cup in 1998 in France?
which player has won the Adida golden ball during the fifa world cup in 1998 in France?
Is it :
1-Zinedine Zidane
3-Davor Suker
Which player has won the Adida golden ball during the fifa world cup in 1998 in France?
Ronaldo the golden ball is awarded to the most outstanding player
Reply:Davor Suker of Croatia with 6 goals was top scorer which gets the Golden ball. Croatia finished third in that World Cup.
Reply:Davor Suker of Croatia with 6 goals was top scorer which gets the Golden ball
Reply:3 Davor Suker
Reply:Zinedine Zidane.
Is it :
1-Zinedine Zidane
3-Davor Suker
Which player has won the Adida golden ball during the fifa world cup in 1998 in France?
Ronaldo the golden ball is awarded to the most outstanding player
Reply:Davor Suker of Croatia with 6 goals was top scorer which gets the Golden ball. Croatia finished third in that World Cup.
Reply:Davor Suker of Croatia with 6 goals was top scorer which gets the Golden ball
Reply:3 Davor Suker
Reply:Zinedine Zidane.
Do you think Zidane is fit to receive the golden ball ?
I don't think so
Because Cannavaro played better
Do you think Zidane is fit to receive the golden ball ?
Yes, as a soccer player he was phenomenal. I don't think it should be disqualified for the red card. Cannavaro was awesome though, but the Italian game didn't run through him as much as Zidane. If you noticed, everytime down the pitch the French would look to Zidane first. I know there is a difference in the positions, but I think the Italian team was better all-together, but Zidane was the best player in the cup.
Reply:cheap italian mafia shut up
Reply:Zidane was the only pro who showed his stuffs on the soccer field. Since the beginning of the second round, the guy work the soccer field like he owned it. He was everywhere you could possibly think. Most of his attack were dangerous for the opponents. His was a fuse and he ignited the field. His move with the ball was incredible and most of the french goal happen due to his offensive attacks. You would not even hear the name Cannavaro mentioned if the referee did not stole the quarter final match from the Australians and hand it over to the Italians. This was pure robbery. By the way, Zidane is not only fit to receive the golden ball, he deserves a whole lot more.
Reply:Cannavaro played better???!! sorry, are we watching the same world cup???? Did u c france-brazil?? i guess not, did u c france-spain? i guess not. Zidane is a Legend man.
Reply:Absolutely not. After what he did in the final, he shouldn't even be taken into consideration for it. Someone who receives the golden ball should, first of all, be fair play.
Reply:Zidane did not deserve the golden ball and he should be banned for life for his uncivilised display in the final, whatever the provocation, he should not have acted like that. FIFA should withdraw the golden ball. What a shame to the game of football.
Reply:None of the italians could match his brilliance which is why that ITALIAN **** called him a terrorist. he deserved the golden ball simply because of his brilliance. We all should respect his role in destroying all the opponents on his way to final.
he gave that italian what he deserved.
Reply:I think the asker's one of the billions who suddenly became interested in football during the World CUP 2006. Zidane showed that football belongs to fine arts. People'll forget Cannavaro day after tomorrow. Materazzi's rather a bit lucky. We'll remember him as an a...
Reply:wake up zidane deserves it alot! hes a legend and a hell of a player
Reply:no wayyyyyyyy. Zinedine Zidane is one of the best....he plays awesum! far better than cannavaro.
Reply:Not this year but he's retiring so just let him have the damn award. Cannavaro is not retiring this year so he can always come back and have his moment if he really deserves it
Reply:NO, not at all. The winner of the Golden Ball should be an example of an outstanding soccer player. Zidane is obviously a sore, sad loser and showed what a** h***** the French can't help but be.
With so much talk about fair play this cup, it's ridiculous that FIFA let Zidane have the ball.
Reply:Yes, he is the best since Maradona, and he tries to create Jogo Bonito, not destroy football with boring ultra defense football(aka Italy). There was any other better than him in this flat WC. Teves could have done it but the Argentinian coach was too conservative and kept him as a sub, wait until the next cup teves-Messi, now that is going to be class
Reply:Yes i think he does...In my opinion he played pretty well maybe not in the last macth but in all the others...overall he did a good preformance...Oh by the way he did recieve the golden ball lol say it in the news today :)
Reply:Cannavaro would have been a good choice too, but Italy really started playing defensive ball in the last games. Zidane meant more to his team than Cannavaro, and he performed brilliantly.
Reply:100% fit and about time too
Reply:Absolutely! He is the best player since Pele!
Reply:Zidane can play better and control a small green pea than any other italian player can a football. ZZ deserves the golden ball and should also get a golden boot which he should embed up Meganazi's a-ss.
Italians should get a golden sleeping pill for being the most boring team ever.
Reply:I thought it was a toss up between Zidane and Klose.. Cannavaro was overrated by the media because Italy made it to the final.. if Italy got knocked out in the Quarters nobody would have ever heard much of him
Reply:well even if he was send off by the red card, no one can or should wipe all his previous effort due to one silly mistake he made... plus.. he is the great midfield magician.. no one plays like Zidane.
Cannavaro came close and i am happy that Cannavaro got the silver, Pirlo got the bronze.. the golden ball just belongs to Zidane without a doubt
Reply:"There is a reason Zinedine Zidane suffers from premature baldness. Genius footballer, generous nature, gentle man, his maker must have thought it only fair to show some evidence of imperfection.....
No other player from a catchment area that embraces an entire continent has captured the imagination quite like Zidane. He is mesmeric. Watching him dance over the grass leaving a flurry of opponents in his wake has been, in the words of the man from L'Equipe , like falling in love. Nobody says it quite like the French.
The French are proud of Zidane because he is a good man as well as a great player. Always has been. Fame has changed his life but not him. Back home he is so well known and liked by virtually his entire nation that everybody - from manager, team-mates and supporters right through to the President of the Republic - uses his nickname, Zizou.
Of Algerian stock, Zidane hails from a poor quarter of Marseilles. His parents sacrificed his father Smail's meagre wage to buy him boots and gave him an unbringing he described as 'hard but fair, which taught me respect, humility, sharing'. He perfected his mellifluous style in the streets: flowerpots for goalposts, a plastic bottle for a trophy, he played endlessly with his friends....
He clings to his roots, and his roots cling to him. During the World Cup a smouldering portrait of their very own Zizou was blown up to cover the wall of an entire building on the Corniche overlooking the Mediterranean.
His first club was Cannes, an hour's drive along the Riviera coast road. They spotted him at 13 and invited him to join their academy, a successful school which also produced Johan Micoud and Patrick Vieira. By 16 he was in the first team (staggered to pocket £500 per match, which he handed over to his parents, of course).....
Comparisons with Platini were increasingly frequent. 'It's too heavy a heritage to carry,' he countered back then. 'I am Zinedine Zidane and people have to understand I will never be Michel Platini. I am not a leader of men and I never will be.' He used to be, to borrow a French phrase, a béni-oui- oui, someone whose shyness means it's easier to be monosyllabic and say yes, yes all the time...
The affiliation between Platini and Zidane goes back to the moment Zizou celebrated his 12th birthday with the honour of being ballboy at the Vélodrome when France met Portugal in the 1984 European Championship. He was watching his country in the flesh for the first time, enchanted as Platini plundered a dramatic winner to take France to the final. Fourteen years on the roles were reversed. Platini was on the sidelines, captivated by the sight of the rightful successor to his distinguished No 10 shirt scoring to win the World Cup....
In Euro 2000 France, and their conductor, have reached a higher plane. Compared to the World Cup there is more poetry in his performances. More absolute control. More of those tricks where he rolls his studs over the ball to keep possession. He is hard to dispossess not because of body strength, but crafty close control. It's like moving a ball of wool an inch to the left and watching a kitten paw at the vacated space. The manager who took him to Juventus, Marcello Lippi, described it as his skill for making complicated things easy....
But the point about Zidane's brilliance is, not only is he a joy to the eye, he is also ruthlessly efficient. Lemerre no doubt likes to see him wow the crowd with a clever turn, but he loves to see him slice open the opposition's defence with a devastating pinpoint pass.
If Italy have the legs to continue damming more fluid opponents with their wall of resistance Zidane will be the man expected to fashion the breakthrough. Playing regularly in Serie A means he is not overawed by the smothering cloak of an Italian defence. Psychologically, he knows he can rise above that and impose his skills....."
sorry for the long post. but i wanted you to read EVERY WORD. aand please next time educate yourself before making comments like that.....
Local Dentist
Because Cannavaro played better
Do you think Zidane is fit to receive the golden ball ?
Yes, as a soccer player he was phenomenal. I don't think it should be disqualified for the red card. Cannavaro was awesome though, but the Italian game didn't run through him as much as Zidane. If you noticed, everytime down the pitch the French would look to Zidane first. I know there is a difference in the positions, but I think the Italian team was better all-together, but Zidane was the best player in the cup.
Reply:cheap italian mafia shut up
Reply:Zidane was the only pro who showed his stuffs on the soccer field. Since the beginning of the second round, the guy work the soccer field like he owned it. He was everywhere you could possibly think. Most of his attack were dangerous for the opponents. His was a fuse and he ignited the field. His move with the ball was incredible and most of the french goal happen due to his offensive attacks. You would not even hear the name Cannavaro mentioned if the referee did not stole the quarter final match from the Australians and hand it over to the Italians. This was pure robbery. By the way, Zidane is not only fit to receive the golden ball, he deserves a whole lot more.
Reply:Cannavaro played better???!! sorry, are we watching the same world cup???? Did u c france-brazil?? i guess not, did u c france-spain? i guess not. Zidane is a Legend man.
Reply:Absolutely not. After what he did in the final, he shouldn't even be taken into consideration for it. Someone who receives the golden ball should, first of all, be fair play.
Reply:Zidane did not deserve the golden ball and he should be banned for life for his uncivilised display in the final, whatever the provocation, he should not have acted like that. FIFA should withdraw the golden ball. What a shame to the game of football.
Reply:None of the italians could match his brilliance which is why that ITALIAN **** called him a terrorist. he deserved the golden ball simply because of his brilliance. We all should respect his role in destroying all the opponents on his way to final.
he gave that italian what he deserved.
Reply:I think the asker's one of the billions who suddenly became interested in football during the World CUP 2006. Zidane showed that football belongs to fine arts. People'll forget Cannavaro day after tomorrow. Materazzi's rather a bit lucky. We'll remember him as an a...
Reply:wake up zidane deserves it alot! hes a legend and a hell of a player
Reply:no wayyyyyyyy. Zinedine Zidane is one of the best....he plays awesum! far better than cannavaro.
Reply:Not this year but he's retiring so just let him have the damn award. Cannavaro is not retiring this year so he can always come back and have his moment if he really deserves it
Reply:NO, not at all. The winner of the Golden Ball should be an example of an outstanding soccer player. Zidane is obviously a sore, sad loser and showed what a** h***** the French can't help but be.
With so much talk about fair play this cup, it's ridiculous that FIFA let Zidane have the ball.
Reply:Yes, he is the best since Maradona, and he tries to create Jogo Bonito, not destroy football with boring ultra defense football(aka Italy). There was any other better than him in this flat WC. Teves could have done it but the Argentinian coach was too conservative and kept him as a sub, wait until the next cup teves-Messi, now that is going to be class
Reply:Yes i think he does...In my opinion he played pretty well maybe not in the last macth but in all the others...overall he did a good preformance...Oh by the way he did recieve the golden ball lol say it in the news today :)
Reply:Cannavaro would have been a good choice too, but Italy really started playing defensive ball in the last games. Zidane meant more to his team than Cannavaro, and he performed brilliantly.
Reply:100% fit and about time too
Reply:Absolutely! He is the best player since Pele!
Reply:Zidane can play better and control a small green pea than any other italian player can a football. ZZ deserves the golden ball and should also get a golden boot which he should embed up Meganazi's a-ss.
Italians should get a golden sleeping pill for being the most boring team ever.
Reply:I thought it was a toss up between Zidane and Klose.. Cannavaro was overrated by the media because Italy made it to the final.. if Italy got knocked out in the Quarters nobody would have ever heard much of him
Reply:well even if he was send off by the red card, no one can or should wipe all his previous effort due to one silly mistake he made... plus.. he is the great midfield magician.. no one plays like Zidane.
Cannavaro came close and i am happy that Cannavaro got the silver, Pirlo got the bronze.. the golden ball just belongs to Zidane without a doubt
Reply:"There is a reason Zinedine Zidane suffers from premature baldness. Genius footballer, generous nature, gentle man, his maker must have thought it only fair to show some evidence of imperfection.....
No other player from a catchment area that embraces an entire continent has captured the imagination quite like Zidane. He is mesmeric. Watching him dance over the grass leaving a flurry of opponents in his wake has been, in the words of the man from L'Equipe , like falling in love. Nobody says it quite like the French.
The French are proud of Zidane because he is a good man as well as a great player. Always has been. Fame has changed his life but not him. Back home he is so well known and liked by virtually his entire nation that everybody - from manager, team-mates and supporters right through to the President of the Republic - uses his nickname, Zizou.
Of Algerian stock, Zidane hails from a poor quarter of Marseilles. His parents sacrificed his father Smail's meagre wage to buy him boots and gave him an unbringing he described as 'hard but fair, which taught me respect, humility, sharing'. He perfected his mellifluous style in the streets: flowerpots for goalposts, a plastic bottle for a trophy, he played endlessly with his friends....
He clings to his roots, and his roots cling to him. During the World Cup a smouldering portrait of their very own Zizou was blown up to cover the wall of an entire building on the Corniche overlooking the Mediterranean.
His first club was Cannes, an hour's drive along the Riviera coast road. They spotted him at 13 and invited him to join their academy, a successful school which also produced Johan Micoud and Patrick Vieira. By 16 he was in the first team (staggered to pocket £500 per match, which he handed over to his parents, of course).....
Comparisons with Platini were increasingly frequent. 'It's too heavy a heritage to carry,' he countered back then. 'I am Zinedine Zidane and people have to understand I will never be Michel Platini. I am not a leader of men and I never will be.' He used to be, to borrow a French phrase, a béni-oui- oui, someone whose shyness means it's easier to be monosyllabic and say yes, yes all the time...
The affiliation between Platini and Zidane goes back to the moment Zizou celebrated his 12th birthday with the honour of being ballboy at the Vélodrome when France met Portugal in the 1984 European Championship. He was watching his country in the flesh for the first time, enchanted as Platini plundered a dramatic winner to take France to the final. Fourteen years on the roles were reversed. Platini was on the sidelines, captivated by the sight of the rightful successor to his distinguished No 10 shirt scoring to win the World Cup....
In Euro 2000 France, and their conductor, have reached a higher plane. Compared to the World Cup there is more poetry in his performances. More absolute control. More of those tricks where he rolls his studs over the ball to keep possession. He is hard to dispossess not because of body strength, but crafty close control. It's like moving a ball of wool an inch to the left and watching a kitten paw at the vacated space. The manager who took him to Juventus, Marcello Lippi, described it as his skill for making complicated things easy....
But the point about Zidane's brilliance is, not only is he a joy to the eye, he is also ruthlessly efficient. Lemerre no doubt likes to see him wow the crowd with a clever turn, but he loves to see him slice open the opposition's defence with a devastating pinpoint pass.
If Italy have the legs to continue damming more fluid opponents with their wall of resistance Zidane will be the man expected to fashion the breakthrough. Playing regularly in Serie A means he is not overawed by the smothering cloak of an Italian defence. Psychologically, he knows he can rise above that and impose his skills....."
sorry for the long post. but i wanted you to read EVERY WORD. aand please next time educate yourself before making comments like that.....
Local Dentist
Is it ok to give Sidhan golden ball?
Is it ok to give Sidhan golden ball?
No.I think Zizzou deserves it the most!
Reply:Are u hrithik or are u krrish? any way zidane should get it
Reply:No. They should give it to Dave Dickenson
Move this question
Reply:I agree with Colin. Give it to D.D
Reply:Sidhan? Is that the guy who killed Robert Kennedy--Sidhan Sidhan.
Oh, Zidane! Well, in the CFL there is no golden ball unless you burn your left maple nut while tanning nude during camp. So, my answer is Sidhan Sidhan should not be given a pardon, a golden ball or any thing else. In fact, off with his head!
Is it ok to give Sidhan golden ball?
No.I think Zizzou deserves it the most!
Reply:Are u hrithik or are u krrish? any way zidane should get it
Reply:No. They should give it to Dave Dickenson
Move this question
Reply:I agree with Colin. Give it to D.D
Reply:Sidhan? Is that the guy who killed Robert Kennedy--Sidhan Sidhan.
Oh, Zidane! Well, in the CFL there is no golden ball unless you burn your left maple nut while tanning nude during camp. So, my answer is Sidhan Sidhan should not be given a pardon, a golden ball or any thing else. In fact, off with his head!
How much does "golden ball" or " ballon d' or" weigh ?
the "golden ball" or " ballon d' or " is awarded every year to the best football player. is it completly golden or it's plated with gold?
How much does "golden ball" or " ballon d' or" weigh ?
abt 4 to 5 kg ...
Reply:same amount of weight as my testes.
How much does "golden ball" or " ballon d' or" weigh ?
abt 4 to 5 kg ...
Reply:same amount of weight as my testes.
How can Zidane even be considered for the golden ball after his red card in the final?
How can Zidane even be considered for the golden ball after his red card in the final?
I really can believe that actually he even won the golden ball. He is a dirty and violent player an this was just one of many such disgraceful moments in his career. And he should be a role model for young players???? Unbelievable!
Reply:Zidane is the lord of football and who ever disagrees with me can take a spoon to eat my @$$.
Materazzi and coach Lipi know Zizou very well since Jeuventus days. Materazzi had to get Zidane out before penalties. So he insulted his religion and his mom.
Zizou instantly changed colours and gave him the " Head of God" just like Maradona's " Hand of God"
talk about FIFA's slogan " Say No To Rasicim" ... my @$$
Reply:it is anther FIFA ****
Reply:That was the best play of the entire cup. I like the fact that the guy still has passion for what he's doing.
Reply:Zidane so deserves this award! Materazzi got what he asked for and I totally stand behind Zidane for that!!
Reply:Why not.Ever body has written off the french team before start of the matches.It was Zizu who made it possible that the french team could reach Final.
Reply:Hey c'mon man the President of France was present... you know how FIFA work. Anyway that's a small consolation. Who's the Champion of the World? ITALY
Reply:The nominatons are selected upon before the Final game.
Reply:The decision was made before the incident. I saw that on bbc.com. He played well throughout the tournament and deserves the award for the skills he executed............it's not like if he was given an award for fair play or discipline!
Reply:either it was decided before the incident or there were mitigating circumstances surrounding it which the journalists who voted just had to take into into consideration...anyhoo, expect more info in the coming days.
How can Zidane even be considered for the golden ball after his red card in the final?
I really can believe that actually he even won the golden ball. He is a dirty and violent player an this was just one of many such disgraceful moments in his career. And he should be a role model for young players???? Unbelievable!
Reply:Zidane is the lord of football and who ever disagrees with me can take a spoon to eat my @$$.
Materazzi and coach Lipi know Zizou very well since Jeuventus days. Materazzi had to get Zidane out before penalties. So he insulted his religion and his mom.
Zizou instantly changed colours and gave him the " Head of God" just like Maradona's " Hand of God"
talk about FIFA's slogan " Say No To Rasicim" ... my @$$
Reply:it is anther FIFA ****
Reply:That was the best play of the entire cup. I like the fact that the guy still has passion for what he's doing.
Reply:Zidane so deserves this award! Materazzi got what he asked for and I totally stand behind Zidane for that!!
Reply:Why not.Ever body has written off the french team before start of the matches.It was Zizu who made it possible that the french team could reach Final.
Reply:Hey c'mon man the President of France was present... you know how FIFA work. Anyway that's a small consolation. Who's the Champion of the World? ITALY
Reply:The nominatons are selected upon before the Final game.
Reply:The decision was made before the incident. I saw that on bbc.com. He played well throughout the tournament and deserves the award for the skills he executed............it's not like if he was given an award for fair play or discipline!
Reply:either it was decided before the incident or there were mitigating circumstances surrounding it which the journalists who voted just had to take into into consideration...anyhoo, expect more info in the coming days.
What is the name of the movie with a boy and a golden ball?
ok here is what i remember about this movie and it only is a little bit. it was probably about 20 yrs ago. but anyway. there was a boy playing with a golden ball, he drops it and in rolls into a pond, when the little boy goes after it in the pond, the whole movie turns to a cartoon. can someone please, please tell me the name of this movie. it is bothering me not to know the name of it. thanks to all who reply
What is the name of the movie with a boy and a golden ball?
Sounds like 'The Water Babies' (1978).
A classic!
Reply:Sounds like The Hobbit
What is the name of the movie with a boy and a golden ball?
Sounds like 'The Water Babies' (1978).
A classic!
Reply:Sounds like The Hobbit
Who got the golden ball in the world cup soccer 2002?
Who got the golden ball in the world cup soccer 2002?
Reply:Ronaldo, equalled Pele as the leading goal- scorer in World Cup finals history, Rivaldo was 2nd in 2002.
Reply:Ronaldo of course...scored 5 goals..the most by any player.. he scored 2 in the finals against germany.
Reply:It was RONALDO,The best forvard in brazil after ronaldinho of course.
Reply:Ronaldo of Brazil was one who deserved to won the golden boot not ball ronaldo for scoring 5 goals for his country that won the last World Cup .
Reply:first of all its GOLDEN BOOT and not GOLDEN BALL, also the answer is RONALDO from BRAZIL he scored 9 goals
Who got the golden ball in the world cup soccer 2002?
Reply:Ronaldo, equalled Pele as the leading goal- scorer in World Cup finals history, Rivaldo was 2nd in 2002.
Reply:Ronaldo of course...scored 5 goals..the most by any player.. he scored 2 in the finals against germany.
Reply:It was RONALDO,The best forvard in brazil after ronaldinho of course.
Reply:Ronaldo of Brazil was one who deserved to won the golden boot not ball ronaldo for scoring 5 goals for his country that won the last World Cup .
Reply:first of all its GOLDEN BOOT and not GOLDEN BALL, also the answer is RONALDO from BRAZIL he scored 9 goals
Who will be the golden ball europeen soccer or best player for this next coming season and what is his club?
Tell me if it's will be Ronaldinho or Messi or KaKa or some one else.
Who will be the golden ball europeen soccer or best player for this next coming season and what is his club?
The golden ball is given by the france football magazine and so is probable that they give it to Zidane, like recognition to his performance in WC and to its race in general, or to Henry, by to have arrived at the Champions League's final .
Anyway, it is soon for knowing, we'll have to wait until December when the winner is decided, that probably he will be one of these players: Zidane, Henry, Etóo, Cannavaro and some other that a WC has done good and a good beginning of season
Reply:Thierry Henry from Arsenal.
Reply:my guess is rooney of man u or scheva of chelsea
Reply:Thierry Henry
Reply:ur mom who plays for tranny fc
Reply:Either Henry, Zizou, or Some one Like Riquelme for leading Argentina and Villarreal to Champions leaugue semis.
Reply:Golde Ball European Winner- Raul of Real Madrid.
Best European Player- Andrea Pirlo of Milan.
Who will be the golden ball europeen soccer or best player for this next coming season and what is his club?
The golden ball is given by the france football magazine and so is probable that they give it to Zidane, like recognition to his performance in WC and to its race in general, or to Henry, by to have arrived at the Champions League's final .
Anyway, it is soon for knowing, we'll have to wait until December when the winner is decided, that probably he will be one of these players: Zidane, Henry, Etóo, Cannavaro and some other that a WC has done good and a good beginning of season
Reply:Thierry Henry from Arsenal.
Reply:my guess is rooney of man u or scheva of chelsea
Reply:Thierry Henry
Reply:ur mom who plays for tranny fc
Reply:Either Henry, Zizou, or Some one Like Riquelme for leading Argentina and Villarreal to Champions leaugue semis.
Reply:Golde Ball European Winner- Raul of Real Madrid.
Best European Player- Andrea Pirlo of Milan.
How many time did Ronaldinho won the Golden Ball?
I wanna know.
How many time did Ronaldinho won the Golden Ball?
Player of the Year Award is Way Different from the Golden Ball
Ronaldinho won FIFA Player of the Year Award in 2004 and 2005
He has won the Golden Ball Once in 2005...
Reply:Ronaldinho has won the Golden Ball which is the FIFA World Player Of The Year award twice in 2004 %26amp; 2005.
Reply:ronaldinho has taken tath 2 time.in 2004%26amp;2005.make sure that he will take it in 2008.Good luck.
How many time did Ronaldinho won the Golden Ball?
Player of the Year Award is Way Different from the Golden Ball
Ronaldinho won FIFA Player of the Year Award in 2004 and 2005
He has won the Golden Ball Once in 2005...
Reply:Ronaldinho has won the Golden Ball which is the FIFA World Player Of The Year award twice in 2004 %26amp; 2005.
Reply:ronaldinho has taken tath 2 time.in 2004%26amp;2005.make sure that he will take it in 2008.Good luck.
How could FIFA endorse this Golden Ball award?
It behooves me how the almighty FIFA would bestowed such an honor after such obvious disrespect for fair-play. This after FIFA so much touted how they would condone no-more such acts of violence.
I understand how good (not great) Zidane played, but he was already benched once during the tournament for consecutive yellows, and then this?
I wrote this on another answer, and that's how I decided to post this as a question. My point really has to do with how do you explain this to the little ones. My kid could have no idea what was said - and as far as I'm concerned he never will. But how do I explain to him why he saw what he saw, and then why was this man (who behaved so bad in his eyes) awarded such honor? I wish FIFA in their all-mighty wisdom could explain him that, because I sure do not know how.
How could FIFA endorse this Golden Ball award?
Reply:"It behooves..?" What, you're trying to sound intelligent? Look, we all know that you're a biased little greasball guinea piece of sh*t who gave the best answer pick to another biased guinea as*hole like yourself, when so many others had far better answers. So just fu*k off! Report It
Reply:I can somewhat see where you're coming from. However, there are far more pressing issues in the world than having to explain a soccer match to your kids. I'd be more worried about explaining why there's so much war or famine in the world. Life is full of bad people getting good things. (not that I think Zidane is bad) He's had an amazing career and FIFA recognizes that. Aside from what happened the other day he is extremely respected among other professional soccer players. He's known more for that and his amazing skill than he is his controversy.
Most soccer fans know that it can get a little violent and sometimes unfair so maybe you shouldn't allow your kid to watch it if it upsets you or him so much. Watch curling or some other sport that never ends up in controversy.
Reply:If you must explain to the little ones why he did it then an answer may be on the way....
Based upon various reports from professional lip readers who have studied the tapes of the head butt, it appears he said something about him being a "dirty butt-******* muslim", and various comments about his "mother and sister being a whore". Plus there was a debated comment about him being a "dirty muslim terrorist". The terrorist comment has been supported by a few lip readers but denied by a few others. Additionally, the italian denied the terrorist comment, by stating that "he didn't even know what that meant"...
Personally, if he said that crap to me and there were any racist remarks like that, I would have likely hit him too. I'd put up with the "your mama's a whore comment" but the religous comment and the terrorist thing, went too far.
Just a side note though, Zidane's mother had been hospitalized only hours before the game so this likely played a part in his reaction.
Now, I am German so I could care less who won, but there is more to this story than is being told... Zidane's actions were wrong but the itlalian guy should have kept his mouth shut too. If the muslim comment and/or the terrorist comment are true, then the Itlalian guy deserved exactly what he got. And if it was me, I would have likely kicked him in the nuts afterwards. However if these things weren't actually said, which I doubt, then Zidane is a disgrace.
That being said, there's no room anywhere for racist and ignorant comments like that and if they were made, actions should be taken against the italian player.
They will likely never speek about this publically, because if Zidane states that the italian offended the muslim faith, there will be mass rioting world wide against Italy. And no one wants that again...
I believe standing up for your faith and family in the face of persecution is admirable, and a worth while cause to tell the children.
Reply:Like this...little Johnny, you see, when MEN play 120 minutes of football against the best team in the world, they sometimes get frustrated. Knowing this, the Italian player intentionally provoked a response from the best player in the world in order to get him off of the field for penalty kicks. Zidane is the best player in the world right now. He deserved the Golden Ball. Zidane made a mistake and cost his team their best player, but nobody who hasn't played at that level, who doesnt understand how insanely competative it is, who has not one ounce of testosterone in her body, can possibly judge the character of a man who has done more to demonstrate excellence than any other active player.
The Golden Ball is not given to the best player who never gets a red card in the heat of a moment. It is given to the best player. And people who know soccer decided that this year's best player was Zidane. And they were right.
Great answer, Webg0pher.
Reply:FIFA did the nomination and then sports journalists from over the world made the judgment and voted for The Golden Ball !
Yo can teach your kids how to respect others and don't be a racist, people are the same and equal where ever you are!!!!
Reply:I share the same thoughts. How on earth can FIFA honor a player who has physically assaulted another?
You cannot isolate the incident from all past achievements of the player however great they were. By bestowing the Golden Bowl (Best Player) to Zidane, FIFA has compromised the standard of excellence - it has lowered it and therefore can no longer be a standard anymore.
I will tell my children not to place any importance on awards, all awards; instead I will tell him about the importance of fairplay, the meaning of sportsmanship, not today's version of sportsmanship - it's perverted and sanctioned by FIFA.
Reply:FIFA did not endorse the GOLDEN BALL award it was a poll that people voted on WHICH WAS ALREADY DECIDED BY HALF TIME OF THE FINAL just the same as the other three awards given in this years WORLD CUP
Reply:That is exactly my point...How would you explain to a little kid that his hero attacked a player and got The Golden Ball for doing it????
I boggles my mind and I really feel for these little kids that truly believed in Zidane and he let them down big time!!! Sorry no excuses!!
Reply:b/c Zidane is one of the greatest player in the world. What he did throughout this World Cup was sensational. It seems like he was rebirth from his stream of consciousness. His spirit inspired the whole French team and nation, thus, he deserves the Golden Ball. Zidane's been known for his bad-temper, so it doesn't matter how many red-cards he gotten during his career, everyone just looks on the bright side of this legend.
Reply:It's really a shame. A player of his standing and caliber ends their career on such a down note. What will the children France think of their hero now?
Reply:Lack of fair-play,lack of respect for his team!!!My guess is he got the award because is his last World Cup!Even the french president told about him he is a man of honour??!This is the world our children have to grow up in?
Violence has nothing to do with football!!!
We don't know what Materazzi told to Zidane,these are just speculations.Materazzi talked to the media,denied that he called him a terrorist,but Zidane didn't talk to the press...So who's to blame?Zidane can't face the media because he can't explain what he did.!!!
Reply:I think they should punish both Zidane and Matterazzi ...
Zidane not deserve this golden ball award !!!
Problem with a/c
I understand how good (not great) Zidane played, but he was already benched once during the tournament for consecutive yellows, and then this?
I wrote this on another answer, and that's how I decided to post this as a question. My point really has to do with how do you explain this to the little ones. My kid could have no idea what was said - and as far as I'm concerned he never will. But how do I explain to him why he saw what he saw, and then why was this man (who behaved so bad in his eyes) awarded such honor? I wish FIFA in their all-mighty wisdom could explain him that, because I sure do not know how.
How could FIFA endorse this Golden Ball award?
Reply:"It behooves..?" What, you're trying to sound intelligent? Look, we all know that you're a biased little greasball guinea piece of sh*t who gave the best answer pick to another biased guinea as*hole like yourself, when so many others had far better answers. So just fu*k off! Report It
Reply:I can somewhat see where you're coming from. However, there are far more pressing issues in the world than having to explain a soccer match to your kids. I'd be more worried about explaining why there's so much war or famine in the world. Life is full of bad people getting good things. (not that I think Zidane is bad) He's had an amazing career and FIFA recognizes that. Aside from what happened the other day he is extremely respected among other professional soccer players. He's known more for that and his amazing skill than he is his controversy.
Most soccer fans know that it can get a little violent and sometimes unfair so maybe you shouldn't allow your kid to watch it if it upsets you or him so much. Watch curling or some other sport that never ends up in controversy.
Reply:If you must explain to the little ones why he did it then an answer may be on the way....
Based upon various reports from professional lip readers who have studied the tapes of the head butt, it appears he said something about him being a "dirty butt-******* muslim", and various comments about his "mother and sister being a whore". Plus there was a debated comment about him being a "dirty muslim terrorist". The terrorist comment has been supported by a few lip readers but denied by a few others. Additionally, the italian denied the terrorist comment, by stating that "he didn't even know what that meant"...
Personally, if he said that crap to me and there were any racist remarks like that, I would have likely hit him too. I'd put up with the "your mama's a whore comment" but the religous comment and the terrorist thing, went too far.
Just a side note though, Zidane's mother had been hospitalized only hours before the game so this likely played a part in his reaction.
Now, I am German so I could care less who won, but there is more to this story than is being told... Zidane's actions were wrong but the itlalian guy should have kept his mouth shut too. If the muslim comment and/or the terrorist comment are true, then the Itlalian guy deserved exactly what he got. And if it was me, I would have likely kicked him in the nuts afterwards. However if these things weren't actually said, which I doubt, then Zidane is a disgrace.
That being said, there's no room anywhere for racist and ignorant comments like that and if they were made, actions should be taken against the italian player.
They will likely never speek about this publically, because if Zidane states that the italian offended the muslim faith, there will be mass rioting world wide against Italy. And no one wants that again...
I believe standing up for your faith and family in the face of persecution is admirable, and a worth while cause to tell the children.
Reply:Like this...little Johnny, you see, when MEN play 120 minutes of football against the best team in the world, they sometimes get frustrated. Knowing this, the Italian player intentionally provoked a response from the best player in the world in order to get him off of the field for penalty kicks. Zidane is the best player in the world right now. He deserved the Golden Ball. Zidane made a mistake and cost his team their best player, but nobody who hasn't played at that level, who doesnt understand how insanely competative it is, who has not one ounce of testosterone in her body, can possibly judge the character of a man who has done more to demonstrate excellence than any other active player.
The Golden Ball is not given to the best player who never gets a red card in the heat of a moment. It is given to the best player. And people who know soccer decided that this year's best player was Zidane. And they were right.
Great answer, Webg0pher.
Reply:FIFA did the nomination and then sports journalists from over the world made the judgment and voted for The Golden Ball !
Yo can teach your kids how to respect others and don't be a racist, people are the same and equal where ever you are!!!!
Reply:I share the same thoughts. How on earth can FIFA honor a player who has physically assaulted another?
You cannot isolate the incident from all past achievements of the player however great they were. By bestowing the Golden Bowl (Best Player) to Zidane, FIFA has compromised the standard of excellence - it has lowered it and therefore can no longer be a standard anymore.
I will tell my children not to place any importance on awards, all awards; instead I will tell him about the importance of fairplay, the meaning of sportsmanship, not today's version of sportsmanship - it's perverted and sanctioned by FIFA.
Reply:FIFA did not endorse the GOLDEN BALL award it was a poll that people voted on WHICH WAS ALREADY DECIDED BY HALF TIME OF THE FINAL just the same as the other three awards given in this years WORLD CUP
Reply:That is exactly my point...How would you explain to a little kid that his hero attacked a player and got The Golden Ball for doing it????
I boggles my mind and I really feel for these little kids that truly believed in Zidane and he let them down big time!!! Sorry no excuses!!
Reply:b/c Zidane is one of the greatest player in the world. What he did throughout this World Cup was sensational. It seems like he was rebirth from his stream of consciousness. His spirit inspired the whole French team and nation, thus, he deserves the Golden Ball. Zidane's been known for his bad-temper, so it doesn't matter how many red-cards he gotten during his career, everyone just looks on the bright side of this legend.
Reply:It's really a shame. A player of his standing and caliber ends their career on such a down note. What will the children France think of their hero now?
Reply:Lack of fair-play,lack of respect for his team!!!My guess is he got the award because is his last World Cup!Even the french president told about him he is a man of honour??!This is the world our children have to grow up in?
Violence has nothing to do with football!!!
We don't know what Materazzi told to Zidane,these are just speculations.Materazzi talked to the media,denied that he called him a terrorist,but Zidane didn't talk to the press...So who's to blame?Zidane can't face the media because he can't explain what he did.!!!
Reply:I think they should punish both Zidane and Matterazzi ...
Zidane not deserve this golden ball award !!!
Problem with a/c
How far can Milan go in CL? can they win the title? & can Kaka win the golden ball in CL?
hey u guys, wat do u think about Milan? i m a big fan of them (actually KAKA, my most fav player!). so i want 2 know wat u think. i wish they'll win. however i m not sure if they can! ;-/
%26amp; KAKA: wat do u think of him? isnt he the best player in the CL so far? u c he's the highest scorer there %26amp; he's the 1 who has taken milan this far. :D so if milan can advance dont u agree with me that he'll win the golden ball there?
How far can Milan go in CL? can they win the title? %26amp; can Kaka win the golden ball in CL?
I doubt it that Milan can win this year UCL because there are still MU,Chelsea,Liverpool and Bayern Munich in the race.
Kaka,he's a good player or should i say brilliant.Still young at age and keep improving.But Kaka alone can't drag Milan to the trophy...you'll need teamwork for that.By the way,isn't Didier Drogba is the top scorer in UCL right now?Or he's not?
Though,if Milan did win the trophy,then there's no doubt Kaka will be getting that golden ball...
Anyway,good luck for AC Milan...(My favourite team is Chelsea...)
Reply:if AC Milan can get past Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals, they will definitely be the finalist of this season's UEFA Champions' League.
Reply:hey.... kaka is by far one of the best... if it werent for him.. milan will be down! way down! okay... i think they cant make it thru last 8 cuz bayern is good as well... but who can say... anything could happen and i think drogba will cuz he is by far the hottest striker this season! chelsea!
Reply:first you have my name sara. second you like milan [in fact im with inter but i like milan too because kaka play there and it has a lot of brazilian foobollers too]. i hope that milan win the title but im affraid because kaka himself cant drag milan to win.milan is a GREAT TEAM BUT IS NOT IN HIS GREAT FORM NOW.BUT LETS HOPE. kaka is also my favorite.he is very very very very goood player .he is brilliant .i have many posters of him and a lot of his photos in my computer.is the best player of milan .i think he must win the golden ball and more. do you want an official site for kaka.is www.ricardo-kaka.com ,im not very shure .anyway you can open www.ronaldo-attack.com and you will find the adres for kaka.so good luck to you ,to milan and to kaka
Reply:They will have to beat liverpool in the final if they get there
Reply:Milan can win if they want %26amp; Kaka is the best player he will win that golden ball.I hope Kaka can score 4 milan against Bayern!
Reply:Milan is a very good team but they ain't having one of there best years
i love kaka he is my fave player also
and he carries the team
i really wish he wins golden ball he deserves it
have a nice weekend
%26amp; KAKA: wat do u think of him? isnt he the best player in the CL so far? u c he's the highest scorer there %26amp; he's the 1 who has taken milan this far. :D so if milan can advance dont u agree with me that he'll win the golden ball there?
How far can Milan go in CL? can they win the title? %26amp; can Kaka win the golden ball in CL?
I doubt it that Milan can win this year UCL because there are still MU,Chelsea,Liverpool and Bayern Munich in the race.
Kaka,he's a good player or should i say brilliant.Still young at age and keep improving.But Kaka alone can't drag Milan to the trophy...you'll need teamwork for that.By the way,isn't Didier Drogba is the top scorer in UCL right now?Or he's not?
Though,if Milan did win the trophy,then there's no doubt Kaka will be getting that golden ball...
Anyway,good luck for AC Milan...(My favourite team is Chelsea...)
Reply:if AC Milan can get past Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals, they will definitely be the finalist of this season's UEFA Champions' League.
Reply:hey.... kaka is by far one of the best... if it werent for him.. milan will be down! way down! okay... i think they cant make it thru last 8 cuz bayern is good as well... but who can say... anything could happen and i think drogba will cuz he is by far the hottest striker this season! chelsea!
Reply:first you have my name sara. second you like milan [in fact im with inter but i like milan too because kaka play there and it has a lot of brazilian foobollers too]. i hope that milan win the title but im affraid because kaka himself cant drag milan to win.milan is a GREAT TEAM BUT IS NOT IN HIS GREAT FORM NOW.BUT LETS HOPE. kaka is also my favorite.he is very very very very goood player .he is brilliant .i have many posters of him and a lot of his photos in my computer.is the best player of milan .i think he must win the golden ball and more. do you want an official site for kaka.is www.ricardo-kaka.com ,im not very shure .anyway you can open www.ronaldo-attack.com and you will find the adres for kaka.so good luck to you ,to milan and to kaka
Reply:They will have to beat liverpool in the final if they get there
Reply:Milan can win if they want %26amp; Kaka is the best player he will win that golden ball.I hope Kaka can score 4 milan against Bayern!
Reply:Milan is a very good team but they ain't having one of there best years
i love kaka he is my fave player also
and he carries the team
i really wish he wins golden ball he deserves it
have a nice weekend
Who will be awarded the second place behind Kaka for the Golden Ball?
messi or ibrahimovic
Who will be awarded the second place behind Kaka for the Golden Ball?
Messi i guess
Reply:I guess you meant.. who gets the second place behind Messi... Well.. Kaka or C. Ronaldo...
Reply:who cares? they dont give out a silver ball, does anyone remember who came second in these awards?
Reply:i would probably go for messi
Who will be awarded the second place behind Kaka for the Golden Ball?
Messi i guess
Reply:I guess you meant.. who gets the second place behind Messi... Well.. Kaka or C. Ronaldo...
Reply:who cares? they dont give out a silver ball, does anyone remember who came second in these awards?
Reply:i would probably go for messi
Do you think Zidane deserved the adidas Golden Ball award after his untamed behavoir during the final?
Zinedine Zidane showed is true colours once more again by butting Marco Materazzi as an ox. His place is in a fence not amongst men.
Do you think Zidane deserved the adidas Golden Ball award after his untamed behavoir during the final?
No. As good of a player as he is, his actions prove that he is not deserving of such an award.
Reply:I think he doesn't deserve the Golden Ball that was mean what he did to the other teams player.
Reply:NO, do not think so.
Reply:no i dnt think he shud have gt it nyway coz gattuso was miles better so woz cannavaro
nd the whole trinidad team
maniche woz gud 2
Reply:Yes he is a great player
Reply:No way, his stupid decision probably made his team lose the cup. He could have killed the guy he head-butted, so definatly no way.
Reply:Yes... he deserves it more than anybody else....
Reply:yes, he deserves it
Reply:you shouldn`t judge him by what he did last night. Look at his career and what he brought to the table. therefore he deserves teh GOlden Ball and I think it was great that he was the winner. its only and Opinion. The Italians were playing very physical and thats wasn`t the 1st time the provok someone. they have done it trough out the world cup.
Reply:yes he deserves.
Reply:yea I think he does
Reply:Oh yes ! Zinedine Zidane deserved the Adidas's Golden Ball ward, and so many awards as well !
The award was giving to him for being an excellent soccer player, and not for having a good character. Besides, nobody is perfect.
I don't justify what Zidane did because I think it was wrong (even if it is true-as a Brazilian TV or newspaper said- that Marco Materazzi had called Zidanes' sister: "a whore"), but I am sure as time passes, that people will remember Zidane for all his soccer glory, in spite of some "snappy moments".
Reply:No way...this guy is a scum bag...he has a history of poor sportsmanship and should have been kicked out of the league years ago.
Reply:Most of the ballots for the Golden Ball Award were cast by half time of the Final so Zidane's headbutt had no effect on who won the award. Regardless, it is not his headbutt that is the reason he didn't deserve to win but rather because he was not the best player in the tournament. Zidane probably won due to his reputation and the fact that he is retiring rather than his performance this time around. Canavarro was by far the best player in the World Cup. On a side note people who suggest Zidane is a normally calm person either do not know his tendencies or overlook the evidence. Zidane has a history of spontaneous violent outbursts on the field including other headbutting instances and stomping on players with intent to injure. .
Reply:Why do stupid always ask stupid questions? oh yeah, cuz their stupid
Reply:Golden ball award is for the most coveted player of the world cup and the person who has given his all and played a really major part in the success of his team
dint zidane do all that??
jus a small mistake to the end doesnt take off all that he did..
so YES!!
he deserves it...
Reply:That is a completely incorrect analysis of what went down between Materazzi and Zidane. Zidane is one of the coolest and calm players to ever play soccer. He is a picture of skill matched with humility. He lost his head after what Materazzi said, and as far as I've heard what Materazzi said, he deserved it and should be punished severely by FIFA. I also completely disagree with the referees referring to the Jumbotron to make the call, that was completely unprofessional and classless on THEIR part. Zidane was by far the best midfielder in the World Cup, and he is easily one of the legends of soccer: period. Don't let one isolated incident tarnish his legacy, he is the king of kings when it comes to soccer. I only hope that he doesn't leave on such a sour note.
Do you think Zidane deserved the adidas Golden Ball award after his untamed behavoir during the final?
No. As good of a player as he is, his actions prove that he is not deserving of such an award.
Reply:I think he doesn't deserve the Golden Ball that was mean what he did to the other teams player.
Reply:NO, do not think so.
Reply:no i dnt think he shud have gt it nyway coz gattuso was miles better so woz cannavaro
nd the whole trinidad team
maniche woz gud 2
Reply:Yes he is a great player
Reply:No way, his stupid decision probably made his team lose the cup. He could have killed the guy he head-butted, so definatly no way.
Reply:Yes... he deserves it more than anybody else....
Reply:yes, he deserves it
Reply:you shouldn`t judge him by what he did last night. Look at his career and what he brought to the table. therefore he deserves teh GOlden Ball and I think it was great that he was the winner. its only and Opinion. The Italians were playing very physical and thats wasn`t the 1st time the provok someone. they have done it trough out the world cup.
Reply:yes he deserves.
Reply:yea I think he does
Reply:Oh yes ! Zinedine Zidane deserved the Adidas's Golden Ball ward, and so many awards as well !
The award was giving to him for being an excellent soccer player, and not for having a good character. Besides, nobody is perfect.
I don't justify what Zidane did because I think it was wrong (even if it is true-as a Brazilian TV or newspaper said- that Marco Materazzi had called Zidanes' sister: "a whore"), but I am sure as time passes, that people will remember Zidane for all his soccer glory, in spite of some "snappy moments".
Reply:No way...this guy is a scum bag...he has a history of poor sportsmanship and should have been kicked out of the league years ago.
Reply:Most of the ballots for the Golden Ball Award were cast by half time of the Final so Zidane's headbutt had no effect on who won the award. Regardless, it is not his headbutt that is the reason he didn't deserve to win but rather because he was not the best player in the tournament. Zidane probably won due to his reputation and the fact that he is retiring rather than his performance this time around. Canavarro was by far the best player in the World Cup. On a side note people who suggest Zidane is a normally calm person either do not know his tendencies or overlook the evidence. Zidane has a history of spontaneous violent outbursts on the field including other headbutting instances and stomping on players with intent to injure. .
Reply:Why do stupid always ask stupid questions? oh yeah, cuz their stupid
Reply:Golden ball award is for the most coveted player of the world cup and the person who has given his all and played a really major part in the success of his team
dint zidane do all that??
jus a small mistake to the end doesnt take off all that he did..
so YES!!
he deserves it...
Reply:That is a completely incorrect analysis of what went down between Materazzi and Zidane. Zidane is one of the coolest and calm players to ever play soccer. He is a picture of skill matched with humility. He lost his head after what Materazzi said, and as far as I've heard what Materazzi said, he deserved it and should be punished severely by FIFA. I also completely disagree with the referees referring to the Jumbotron to make the call, that was completely unprofessional and classless on THEIR part. Zidane was by far the best midfielder in the World Cup, and he is easily one of the legends of soccer: period. Don't let one isolated incident tarnish his legacy, he is the king of kings when it comes to soccer. I only hope that he doesn't leave on such a sour note.
Can you believe Zidane was that stupid? And how the hell did he win the Golden Ball?
I just don't think he deserved to win the Golden Ball after what he did in the Final. I can't believe he did that! I was watching the match and was shocked by what he did. No one knows what was really going on between the two of them but even if Materazzi actually insulted him it doesn't mean he could just knock him down with his big head. How stupid do you have to be to do something like that? And how long has he been playing football? Surely he must be familiar with that kind of tactic.
Personally I'm not a fan of his, never was and never will be. Even though I was on Italy's side I couldn't help feeling sorry for France. France could have won if only Zidane hadn't been so so stupid. He will always be remembered as the guy who got kicked out in the Final for butting his opponent in the chest. All I can say is that he did that to himself and Italy truly deserved to win. Yay!!!
Can you believe Zidane was that stupid? And how the hell did he win the Golden Ball?
i honestly don't understand...
from what i've heard one of the main reasons ronaldo didn't get the best young player award was his lack of fair play (diving too much), that headbutt tops any other thing during this world cup. i couldn't believe my eyes whan i saw that in the game, especially because zidane is usually very calm. and it wasn't even something that comes up during an argument, it was somewhat premeditaded.and it was violent!
and i can't believe some people saying he was insulted and it was normal...he's a football player, they get insults on a daily basis and must deal with them!this kind of psychological tactics aren't new..
the golden ball should have never been awarded to him after that, ANY OTHER PLAYER would face a fifa ban from official matches for some months, but zidane gets the golden ball to end his career...he played well, but not that good, the incident vs materazzi should have taken him out of the list, but we're used to fifa's 'flexible' standards.
by the way:http://www.bastardidentro.it/node/view/1...
Reply:Obviously you only watched maybe one game of the World Cup.
Reply:im with u im 100% italian and i believe that buffon should have won the golden ball. he was great in goal
Reply:zidane is the best football player of this world.dont u know?
Reply:He won the Golden Ball Award because he deserved it. No one deserved it more.
Reply:Zidan is an exellent player thats all there is to say.
Reply:I disagree with you. It's true that Zidane made a terrible mistake. There is no doubt that he shouldn't act like that. However, he was provoked. Materazzi insulted him, his religion, and his mother, who unfortunately is very ill at the moment. That's why Zizou butted him in the chest.
As a football player, this is a horrible gesture, but as a man, I understand his behavior.
I think he deserved the Golden Ball for the way he played during the Championship. He had a wonderful career and it's a pity that he won't play anymore.
However, we should all forgive him for this gesture and remember of his remarkable shoots and gools.
For me, Zizou will always remain the best.
Reply:well im not a french fan but he is a good player, sure what he did was wrong but one thing shouldnt take away the golden ball from someone. i dont like what he did i dont think anybody does but hes still a good player. you have to look at it as a whole not just the taking down a player from another team.
Reply:Zidane is the besttttttttttttttttttt no discussion.......
Reply:I agree, that was jaw dropping. especially after he announced that that was his last game of his career on such an important stage. italy got the better out of him, even though bottom line it is zidane's fault
Reply:You know, there are a lot of racist people in France. Well, there are always too many.
But pretty much everyone in France still like him. Of course, you've got the odd one who disagrees. But generally speaking, people still think he is great.
And even if we lost, it's ok. We are happy they went that far. It's nice to see the whole nation so united, if it's not because of a victory.
I agree that what Zidane did was not a good idea, all the more because a lot of kids like him. It might be difficult to explain them with the right words what he did.
Honestly, don't mix up Muslims and terrorists. I don't mix Bush with all Americans, you know.
Reply:Zidane is the best of the Best
Reply:Well there are two ways of looking at this- The Golden Ball is about talent and skill right? Well Zidane deserved to win it then, despite his patience or lack thereof. But If FIFA wanted to make a point that his actions were unacceptable, I wouldn't disagree with their decision. My view is that he was punished by not being there for the presentation of the medals and that was punishment enough for his little display. So I think that it was a good move by FIFA. Just my thoughts.
Reply:Zidane won the Golden Ball because it's voted on by a lot of dumb journalists who only vote for their personal favorites, not for who played the best in the whole tournament.
Cannavaro was absolutely the best player of the World Cup when you look at all 7 of the games he played.
Sure, Zidane played well in 2 games - Spain and Brazil. Zidane was banned for the Togo match and played poorly vs. Swiss and Korea. He did nothing in the final (he fell down a lot) and little vs. Portugal. Yeah, he scored a penalty off a total swan dive by Malouda. Barely. For the journalists it's a popularity contest, they probably don't even know football. They're looking for personalities.
Cannavaro was a tower of strength against every team, especially Australia, Ukraine, and Germany. In the final, he didn't play his absolute best but he was still very good. For people who know football, Cannavaro wins the Golden Ball.
Reply:Zidane is twice the player that anyone on that Italian team will ever be. The majority of people still love and respect him despite of his actions during the championship game. One way or another Trezeguet was already in the game when Zidane got kicked out therefore i do not beleive that ten more minutes with a tired Zidane on the field would have mad much of a difference. And for the record when you call a soccer player of Zidanes caliber a dirty terrorist (refering to his muslim heritage) you deserve to get dropped. There is no room for racism on the soccer field, Materazzi is going to think twice before a comment like that comes out of his mouth during such a high tensioned match.
Reply:He won the Golden Ball because he was the best player in the tournament.
Reply:I also agree it is shame that they gave Golden ball to him. Whatever, Italy is a champion so they wanted to just make it less sober to French I guess.
But giving award to this "terrorist"(it isZidanes new nickname, joke) style thug is insulting to the idea of beautiful game and sets terrible example for kids.
Note the video below how he is throwing down his capitans armband with natonalcolours as if it is something unworthy
Reply:Materazzi insulted Zidane
Don't be calling anyone stupid when you don't know what was going on.
Personally I'm not a fan of his, never was and never will be. Even though I was on Italy's side I couldn't help feeling sorry for France. France could have won if only Zidane hadn't been so so stupid. He will always be remembered as the guy who got kicked out in the Final for butting his opponent in the chest. All I can say is that he did that to himself and Italy truly deserved to win. Yay!!!
Can you believe Zidane was that stupid? And how the hell did he win the Golden Ball?
i honestly don't understand...
from what i've heard one of the main reasons ronaldo didn't get the best young player award was his lack of fair play (diving too much), that headbutt tops any other thing during this world cup. i couldn't believe my eyes whan i saw that in the game, especially because zidane is usually very calm. and it wasn't even something that comes up during an argument, it was somewhat premeditaded.and it was violent!
and i can't believe some people saying he was insulted and it was normal...he's a football player, they get insults on a daily basis and must deal with them!this kind of psychological tactics aren't new..
the golden ball should have never been awarded to him after that, ANY OTHER PLAYER would face a fifa ban from official matches for some months, but zidane gets the golden ball to end his career...he played well, but not that good, the incident vs materazzi should have taken him out of the list, but we're used to fifa's 'flexible' standards.
by the way:http://www.bastardidentro.it/node/view/1...
Reply:Obviously you only watched maybe one game of the World Cup.
Reply:im with u im 100% italian and i believe that buffon should have won the golden ball. he was great in goal
Reply:zidane is the best football player of this world.dont u know?
Reply:He won the Golden Ball Award because he deserved it. No one deserved it more.
Reply:Zidan is an exellent player thats all there is to say.
Reply:I disagree with you. It's true that Zidane made a terrible mistake. There is no doubt that he shouldn't act like that. However, he was provoked. Materazzi insulted him, his religion, and his mother, who unfortunately is very ill at the moment. That's why Zizou butted him in the chest.
As a football player, this is a horrible gesture, but as a man, I understand his behavior.
I think he deserved the Golden Ball for the way he played during the Championship. He had a wonderful career and it's a pity that he won't play anymore.
However, we should all forgive him for this gesture and remember of his remarkable shoots and gools.
For me, Zizou will always remain the best.
Reply:well im not a french fan but he is a good player, sure what he did was wrong but one thing shouldnt take away the golden ball from someone. i dont like what he did i dont think anybody does but hes still a good player. you have to look at it as a whole not just the taking down a player from another team.
Reply:Zidane is the besttttttttttttttttttt no discussion.......
Reply:I agree, that was jaw dropping. especially after he announced that that was his last game of his career on such an important stage. italy got the better out of him, even though bottom line it is zidane's fault
Reply:You know, there are a lot of racist people in France. Well, there are always too many.
But pretty much everyone in France still like him. Of course, you've got the odd one who disagrees. But generally speaking, people still think he is great.
And even if we lost, it's ok. We are happy they went that far. It's nice to see the whole nation so united, if it's not because of a victory.
I agree that what Zidane did was not a good idea, all the more because a lot of kids like him. It might be difficult to explain them with the right words what he did.
Honestly, don't mix up Muslims and terrorists. I don't mix Bush with all Americans, you know.
Reply:Zidane is the best of the Best
Reply:Well there are two ways of looking at this- The Golden Ball is about talent and skill right? Well Zidane deserved to win it then, despite his patience or lack thereof. But If FIFA wanted to make a point that his actions were unacceptable, I wouldn't disagree with their decision. My view is that he was punished by not being there for the presentation of the medals and that was punishment enough for his little display. So I think that it was a good move by FIFA. Just my thoughts.
Reply:Zidane won the Golden Ball because it's voted on by a lot of dumb journalists who only vote for their personal favorites, not for who played the best in the whole tournament.
Cannavaro was absolutely the best player of the World Cup when you look at all 7 of the games he played.
Sure, Zidane played well in 2 games - Spain and Brazil. Zidane was banned for the Togo match and played poorly vs. Swiss and Korea. He did nothing in the final (he fell down a lot) and little vs. Portugal. Yeah, he scored a penalty off a total swan dive by Malouda. Barely. For the journalists it's a popularity contest, they probably don't even know football. They're looking for personalities.
Cannavaro was a tower of strength against every team, especially Australia, Ukraine, and Germany. In the final, he didn't play his absolute best but he was still very good. For people who know football, Cannavaro wins the Golden Ball.
Reply:Zidane is twice the player that anyone on that Italian team will ever be. The majority of people still love and respect him despite of his actions during the championship game. One way or another Trezeguet was already in the game when Zidane got kicked out therefore i do not beleive that ten more minutes with a tired Zidane on the field would have mad much of a difference. And for the record when you call a soccer player of Zidanes caliber a dirty terrorist (refering to his muslim heritage) you deserve to get dropped. There is no room for racism on the soccer field, Materazzi is going to think twice before a comment like that comes out of his mouth during such a high tensioned match.
Reply:He won the Golden Ball because he was the best player in the tournament.
Reply:I also agree it is shame that they gave Golden ball to him. Whatever, Italy is a champion so they wanted to just make it less sober to French I guess.
But giving award to this "terrorist"(it isZidanes new nickname, joke) style thug is insulting to the idea of beautiful game and sets terrible example for kids.
Note the video below how he is throwing down his capitans armband with natonalcolours as if it is something unworthy
Reply:Materazzi insulted Zidane
Don't be calling anyone stupid when you don't know what was going on.
Cannavaro (The Wall) won the golden ball, what do you think?
Best player won it...
Most consistent during 2006 and redefined the concept of "ABSOLUTE PERFECTION' at the World Cup!!
Never seen anyone play 7 matches in a row, in a major tournament, with such an intensity, commitment and faultless performances...
Cannavaro (The Wall) won the golden ball, what do you think?
it tells you how much of a farce the award really is the player who has been overlooked for the last three years should have got it instead of all ways been second or third to these other muppets
Reply:What a joke, there basing the award around 7 games come on, were talking about player of the year, 365 days not in a month span, what else did Cannavaro do, oh yeah i forgot he played on a team that got relegated cause of cheating, there's someone to look up to, come on it's all fixed, no one at the world cup stood out, the highest goal scorere had five goals, that number is down considerably to previous world cups, i dont think he should win it, if anybody from the italian team was going to win it i give it to Buffon, but other then that, he doesnt deserve it, remember defensively switzerland had a better defense, they didn't let a goal concede in regulation play.....
Reply:Best player over 2006.
Reply:Should have been voted for best player on the world cup, justice has been done. Good decision.
Reply:He deserves it. Though it's just 7 games, it is the most intense and most important 7 games in a players career, in which you only have a chance of winning once every 4 years (if your team qualifies through a two year process). So kudos to Capitano Fabio.
Reply:yup, he deserve on it. no one of super striker or master playmaker pass him
Reply:I think that he would not be the winner if Italy was not the world champion
Reply:I agree with @Stam 100%..!!!
Most consistent during 2006 and redefined the concept of "ABSOLUTE PERFECTION' at the World Cup!!
Never seen anyone play 7 matches in a row, in a major tournament, with such an intensity, commitment and faultless performances...
Cannavaro (The Wall) won the golden ball, what do you think?
it tells you how much of a farce the award really is the player who has been overlooked for the last three years should have got it instead of all ways been second or third to these other muppets
Reply:What a joke, there basing the award around 7 games come on, were talking about player of the year, 365 days not in a month span, what else did Cannavaro do, oh yeah i forgot he played on a team that got relegated cause of cheating, there's someone to look up to, come on it's all fixed, no one at the world cup stood out, the highest goal scorere had five goals, that number is down considerably to previous world cups, i dont think he should win it, if anybody from the italian team was going to win it i give it to Buffon, but other then that, he doesnt deserve it, remember defensively switzerland had a better defense, they didn't let a goal concede in regulation play.....
Reply:Best player over 2006.
Reply:Should have been voted for best player on the world cup, justice has been done. Good decision.
Reply:He deserves it. Though it's just 7 games, it is the most intense and most important 7 games in a players career, in which you only have a chance of winning once every 4 years (if your team qualifies through a two year process). So kudos to Capitano Fabio.
Reply:yup, he deserve on it. no one of super striker or master playmaker pass him
Reply:I think that he would not be the winner if Italy was not the world champion
Reply:I agree with @Stam 100%..!!!
Who will win the golden ball at 06 world cup?
i think it will be cannavaro. what do u think?
Who will win the golden ball at 06 world cup?
cannavaro for sure!!! VIVA ITALIA!!!!!! VIA NAPOLI
Reply:klose will have right on golden goal
Reply:I think it will be Zidan, couz his jubilee
Reply:by the way, the golden ball is given not for the footballer who has the most nr of goals this WC, but for the best footballer that showed the greatest skills this WC...
Reply:I think it will be zindine, viera or klose
Reply:Klose has 5 goals. He should win it.
Reply:if france wins it will go to zidane for SURE. if italy wins i think it will go to cannavaro
Reply:It will be Zidane mainly because his team made it all the way to the final resting on the play of him. He set up the goal in the game against Brazil and he put in the penalty kick in the semis to put them in. He has totally helped his team out more than any other player in the tourney. He deserves it.
Reply:Klose has 5 goals
Reply:Roonie.... the ones he nearly stole from Carvalho, LOL !!
Reply:i think zidane. he realy isa great player and it would be a great way to end his wonderful career
Reply:italy 100%
Reply:Klose. Cannavaro is way behind! And i don't think it will be easy to score to France!
Reply:ballack or klose of germany.
Reply:i don't think klose wll get it. I think he'll get the golden shoe or sumtin. for the golden ball i think it mite be cannavaro
Who will win the golden ball at 06 world cup?
cannavaro for sure!!! VIVA ITALIA!!!!!! VIA NAPOLI
Reply:klose will have right on golden goal
Reply:I think it will be Zidan, couz his jubilee
Reply:by the way, the golden ball is given not for the footballer who has the most nr of goals this WC, but for the best footballer that showed the greatest skills this WC...
Reply:I think it will be zindine, viera or klose
Reply:Klose has 5 goals. He should win it.
Reply:if france wins it will go to zidane for SURE. if italy wins i think it will go to cannavaro
Reply:It will be Zidane mainly because his team made it all the way to the final resting on the play of him. He set up the goal in the game against Brazil and he put in the penalty kick in the semis to put them in. He has totally helped his team out more than any other player in the tourney. He deserves it.
Reply:Klose has 5 goals
Reply:Roonie.... the ones he nearly stole from Carvalho, LOL !!
Reply:i think zidane. he realy isa great player and it would be a great way to end his wonderful career
Reply:italy 100%
Reply:Klose. Cannavaro is way behind! And i don't think it will be easy to score to France!
Reply:ballack or klose of germany.
Reply:i don't think klose wll get it. I think he'll get the golden shoe or sumtin. for the golden ball i think it mite be cannavaro
Who will win the golden ball?
i am not talking about golden boot , i am only asking about golden ball.
Who will win the golden ball?
France captain Zinedine Zidane is awarded the Golden Ball
He is a great player and a captain. Forgive him for the way he behaved and for getting the red card. Don't forget that he is also a human being. He deserves the golden ball just for coming back after the injury and asking for a substitute in the over time. Every body forgot that once he got the red card.
News from SportsNetwork:
Zidane wins adidas Golden Ball
Berlin, Germany (Sports Network) - Despite receiving a red card in the World Cup final, France captain Zinedine Zidane captured the 2006 adidas Golden Ball award.
The 34-year-old midfielder won the vote for the best player at this year's tournament by journalists from across the world. Italian skipper Fabio Cannavaro finished in second place, while teammate Andrea Pirlo came in third.
Zidane scored a seventh minute penalty kick during France's loss to Italy on Sunday, before being sent off the field in extra time for head butting Marco Materazzi.
The goal was Zidane's second converted spot kick in as many matches and was the fastest goal in a World Cup final since 1974. In the '74 match, the first goal was scored in just the second minute. With the goal, Zidane became the fourth player to score three goals in World Cup final history.
The final marked Zidane's last competitive match.
Reply:germany and there wil be MIROSLAV KLOSE
Reply:u stupids! golden ball is given to THE PLAYER who has the best performance in the world cup.
My vote goes to ZIDANE 4 sure.
Reply:Buffon! Forza Italia!!!
Reply:France for having Zidane... the retirement gift or the late birtheday gift.
Reply:Italy and it will be Carnavaro or Buffon.
Who will win the golden ball?
France captain Zinedine Zidane is awarded the Golden Ball
He is a great player and a captain. Forgive him for the way he behaved and for getting the red card. Don't forget that he is also a human being. He deserves the golden ball just for coming back after the injury and asking for a substitute in the over time. Every body forgot that once he got the red card.
News from SportsNetwork:
Zidane wins adidas Golden Ball
Berlin, Germany (Sports Network) - Despite receiving a red card in the World Cup final, France captain Zinedine Zidane captured the 2006 adidas Golden Ball award.
The 34-year-old midfielder won the vote for the best player at this year's tournament by journalists from across the world. Italian skipper Fabio Cannavaro finished in second place, while teammate Andrea Pirlo came in third.
Zidane scored a seventh minute penalty kick during France's loss to Italy on Sunday, before being sent off the field in extra time for head butting Marco Materazzi.
The goal was Zidane's second converted spot kick in as many matches and was the fastest goal in a World Cup final since 1974. In the '74 match, the first goal was scored in just the second minute. With the goal, Zidane became the fourth player to score three goals in World Cup final history.
The final marked Zidane's last competitive match.
Reply:germany and there wil be MIROSLAV KLOSE
Reply:u stupids! golden ball is given to THE PLAYER who has the best performance in the world cup.
My vote goes to ZIDANE 4 sure.
Reply:Buffon! Forza Italia!!!
Reply:France for having Zidane... the retirement gift or the late birtheday gift.
Reply:Italy and it will be Carnavaro or Buffon.
Why did Zinedine Zidane get the Golden Ball at this years cup?
Sure he and Henry single-handedly got France to the finals but he pretty much cost his team the cup by getting the red card in the finals vs. Italy. I mean Buffon should have gotten the Ball b/c he had 5 clean sheats this tourney. With only a own goal vs. U.S and the P.K. in the finals, which there was no way he going to be able to stop, he was perfect the entire tourney.
Why did Zinedine Zidane get the Golden Ball at this years cup?
If it wasn't for him, nobody would be talking about it any more... Even among soccer fans, Instead of simply giving Italy credit for what they accomplished, all anyone's talking about is that butthead, Zidane.
Reply:Because the votes we're completed before the end of regulation play. Zidane got the red card after the votes were in(overtime). You can't take it back after votes are officially in otherwise it would have been another world cup corruption. Dispite Italy's own corruption problems
Reply:who knows
Reply:because zizden played the world cup like a reaal mvp, he brought back spack and a new talent to the game for his age.
Reply:cmon man...he deserved it....you asked this question because he knocked the heck outta Matterazzi?? plus Matterazzi for sure dissed Zidane someway..only him and Matterazzi knows.....and to Zidane play his butt of during this year competition man.....
Reply:because that was the result of the votes and you cant chage the votes. i would have been totaly behind Zidane had he noot headbutted Materazzi, but that's the way the money goes...... POP goes the weasle!!!
Reply:i have no idea. i definitely think cannavaro deserved it wayyy more. he led his team. zidane basically got it cause it was his last world cup and last game for france. boohoo, i hope he loses it.
Reply:Zidane got it because he headbutted Materazzi!!
Reply:I had no idea.....
Reply:He deserved it, now go on with your life
Reply:Zidane made France the team it was he made all players around him look good even Henry. Zidane had a bad start of the WC in the round robin and then his magic came back and if it wasn't for him France wouldn't of made the finals of the WC. so yes Zidane deserved the Golden Ball cause he simply was the best.
leather boots
Why did Zinedine Zidane get the Golden Ball at this years cup?
If it wasn't for him, nobody would be talking about it any more... Even among soccer fans, Instead of simply giving Italy credit for what they accomplished, all anyone's talking about is that butthead, Zidane.
Reply:Because the votes we're completed before the end of regulation play. Zidane got the red card after the votes were in(overtime). You can't take it back after votes are officially in otherwise it would have been another world cup corruption. Dispite Italy's own corruption problems
Reply:who knows
Reply:because zizden played the world cup like a reaal mvp, he brought back spack and a new talent to the game for his age.
Reply:cmon man...he deserved it....you asked this question because he knocked the heck outta Matterazzi?? plus Matterazzi for sure dissed Zidane someway..only him and Matterazzi knows.....and to Zidane play his butt of during this year competition man.....
Reply:because that was the result of the votes and you cant chage the votes. i would have been totaly behind Zidane had he noot headbutted Materazzi, but that's the way the money goes...... POP goes the weasle!!!
Reply:i have no idea. i definitely think cannavaro deserved it wayyy more. he led his team. zidane basically got it cause it was his last world cup and last game for france. boohoo, i hope he loses it.
Reply:Zidane got it because he headbutted Materazzi!!
Reply:I had no idea.....
Reply:He deserved it, now go on with your life
Reply:Zidane made France the team it was he made all players around him look good even Henry. Zidane had a bad start of the WC in the round robin and then his magic came back and if it wasn't for him France wouldn't of made the finals of the WC. so yes Zidane deserved the Golden Ball cause he simply was the best.
leather boots
Where could I purchase the Final Golden Berlin Ball from the 06 World cup?
I was wondering where can I purchase The Final Golden Berlin Soccer Ball, which displays the two teams in the final game, Italy, and France. It's my understanding that only 1600 were made.
Where could I purchase the Final Golden Berlin Ball from the 06 World cup?
Post your desire to obtain a ball and your email address on soccer fan sites. Then actually meet the person and see the ball before handing over money just to be safe. Anything can be bought or sold for enough money.
Reply:don't know.....
Reply:Try this link here:
Where could I purchase the Final Golden Berlin Ball from the 06 World cup?
Post your desire to obtain a ball and your email address on soccer fan sites. Then actually meet the person and see the ball before handing over money just to be safe. Anything can be bought or sold for enough money.
Reply:don't know.....
Reply:Try this link here:
I mean, the best player of the world cup had already got the FIFA golden ball.That means tht Zizou was the best player in the world cup 2006.
Then is it coz of his perfomance at the club level?For tackling a ball from opponents in fixed matches for Juventus?In real madrid he has been inconsisntent and his perfomance wasnt very impressive.
then why do som ppl think that he deserves it?
P.S.I forgot, yea cannavaro also has some other credits like trying to break Zizou 's sholder in the finals and then hurting Henry.
Like I said it before, every year after the WC the award is given to the player from winning team..... IF ITALY DIDN'T WON THE WC HE WOULDN'T EVEN BE NOMINATED..... AND THAT'S A FACT....... second thing is that Italian players didn't show nothing spectacular in this WC, so it was between him, Buffon and Pirlo...... Buffon is in Seria B, what would the rest of the world said if the best European player is playing in Seria B..... Pirlo is not even the best in Milan..... Italy won because of their defense style of play (five goals were from defenders), Cannavaro was captain of the team and their best defender, plus his transfer to Real(one of the most famous clubs in the world) helped him a lot ........ if Buffon was sold in to some big club like he did, Buffon would got this award easily............... so basically they didn't have any choice than to give it to Cannavaro, it's funny and sad at the same time that Italians think that Cannavaro is actually that great and that they don't realize that because of that ONE missed penalty Italy and Cannavaro won!!!!!!
Reply:cannavaro is the best
punto e basta
(end of story)
Reply:Fabio Cannavaro is the best player in the world and will recieve the award..i dont wanna go into insults because i dont have the mind now got that?
Reply:Oh just type, type, type,
like theres no tomorrow!
weather u like it or not missy!
Reply:well........why do you think italy "deserved" to win the world cup?
Reply:pls....dude is one of the best defenders in the world.. he's the backbone of the italian team. how many times has he been beaten one on one.. i think ppl think so cos he is not jus exceptional talent..he carries th whole team with him..thats wat makes a gud player great..
Reply:let's not argue abt this b/c it's just a matter of opinions. you can not determine who is the best b/c everyone thinx differently. I think that Roberto Carlos should've gotten the golden ball. it doesn't make any difference. he didn't and that's that. yeah i also think Abondanzieri deserved the Lev Yashin award. i jist can't agree w/ FIFA. I'm Happy Buffon won it though.
Reply:I know, ironic, isn't it? Anyways, Canna does deserve it actually, you gotta admit. Me being a French fan and all. He was pretty impressive in the WC...it would've been nice of Zidane won it. But life goes on............
Reply:Like you mate utterly stuned,Gerrard Henrie Zi ZU Rooney
Reply:...what do you expect when he is missing one of 'his balls'?
Reply:This trophy is about the player. It has NOTHING to do with Juve fixing matches.
Italy's defense is the best in the world because of him, and he is a great team leader.
He never head butted anybody (while Zizou did it twice in his career and got LOTS of red cards without even being a defender) and he did NOT try to hurt Zizou or Henry (sorry, but that is such bull). He is a defender and tackling is his job.
Zizou the best player in the WC? Please, he didn't even wake up until the second part. Canna was the best player from game one.
There just is no doubt and the trophy is well deserved.
Reply:You're just jealous your GOD ZIZOU didn't even come close to getting the golden ball award!
Cannnavaro deserves it no matter what you Frenchies think!
Reply:well, all i know is that he is getting older and he cannot play as he was younger! But he does play good in madrid, but he can't mark carew!
But nesta and maldini remain as legends!
Reply:Im with you girl...
We all forgot he tackled in fixed matches
Reply:french cry babies!!!
Reply:I think Cannavaro deserves it cuz he is a great player for Italian team. French people when they won the world cup was sooo high in the sky for more than 3 years. It's like they won the competition of who has the right to shoot the rule th world, in sort of speak. Sucks....
I've been told about this fact from my french friend who lives in Paris. Their main topic everywhere was their winning in the world cup.
I think it's now the time for Italy and Cannavaro to celebrate their success and happiness. Why not?
Reply:Nonsense !!!
Cannavaro really deserved it !!
Reply:what a jealous loser u are!
Reply:Congrats to him for getting it but as for deserving, no, he is doing a poor job at Real.
Edit: Ciscokid you are reported.
this fellow should have got it, he is the best both at the club level and at international level!
Reply:he ain't the best player...
Reply:Cannavaro is awesome!!!
Reply:I totally disagree with you. Personally, i was praying that Zidane should get it, but it just happened that cannavaro did and that's the truth.
I think he totally deserved it...he was the backbone of the team which won the wc.
Reply:I will not try to convince you because I know u wont be convinced.
but come on ppl u didn't accept ur defeat in the final and now u wont accept this too ?
Then is it coz of his perfomance at the club level?For tackling a ball from opponents in fixed matches for Juventus?In real madrid he has been inconsisntent and his perfomance wasnt very impressive.
then why do som ppl think that he deserves it?
P.S.I forgot, yea cannavaro also has some other credits like trying to break Zizou 's sholder in the finals and then hurting Henry.
Like I said it before, every year after the WC the award is given to the player from winning team..... IF ITALY DIDN'T WON THE WC HE WOULDN'T EVEN BE NOMINATED..... AND THAT'S A FACT....... second thing is that Italian players didn't show nothing spectacular in this WC, so it was between him, Buffon and Pirlo...... Buffon is in Seria B, what would the rest of the world said if the best European player is playing in Seria B..... Pirlo is not even the best in Milan..... Italy won because of their defense style of play (five goals were from defenders), Cannavaro was captain of the team and their best defender, plus his transfer to Real(one of the most famous clubs in the world) helped him a lot ........ if Buffon was sold in to some big club like he did, Buffon would got this award easily............... so basically they didn't have any choice than to give it to Cannavaro, it's funny and sad at the same time that Italians think that Cannavaro is actually that great and that they don't realize that because of that ONE missed penalty Italy and Cannavaro won!!!!!!
Reply:cannavaro is the best
punto e basta
(end of story)
Reply:Fabio Cannavaro is the best player in the world and will recieve the award..i dont wanna go into insults because i dont have the mind now got that?
Reply:Oh just type, type, type,
like theres no tomorrow!
weather u like it or not missy!
Reply:well........why do you think italy "deserved" to win the world cup?
Reply:pls....dude is one of the best defenders in the world.. he's the backbone of the italian team. how many times has he been beaten one on one.. i think ppl think so cos he is not jus exceptional talent..he carries th whole team with him..thats wat makes a gud player great..
Reply:let's not argue abt this b/c it's just a matter of opinions. you can not determine who is the best b/c everyone thinx differently. I think that Roberto Carlos should've gotten the golden ball. it doesn't make any difference. he didn't and that's that. yeah i also think Abondanzieri deserved the Lev Yashin award. i jist can't agree w/ FIFA. I'm Happy Buffon won it though.
Reply:I know, ironic, isn't it? Anyways, Canna does deserve it actually, you gotta admit. Me being a French fan and all. He was pretty impressive in the WC...it would've been nice of Zidane won it. But life goes on............
Reply:Like you mate utterly stuned,Gerrard Henrie Zi ZU Rooney
Reply:...what do you expect when he is missing one of 'his balls'?
Reply:This trophy is about the player. It has NOTHING to do with Juve fixing matches.
Italy's defense is the best in the world because of him, and he is a great team leader.
He never head butted anybody (while Zizou did it twice in his career and got LOTS of red cards without even being a defender) and he did NOT try to hurt Zizou or Henry (sorry, but that is such bull). He is a defender and tackling is his job.
Zizou the best player in the WC? Please, he didn't even wake up until the second part. Canna was the best player from game one.
There just is no doubt and the trophy is well deserved.
Reply:You're just jealous your GOD ZIZOU didn't even come close to getting the golden ball award!
Cannnavaro deserves it no matter what you Frenchies think!
Reply:well, all i know is that he is getting older and he cannot play as he was younger! But he does play good in madrid, but he can't mark carew!
But nesta and maldini remain as legends!
Reply:Im with you girl...
We all forgot he tackled in fixed matches
Reply:french cry babies!!!
Reply:I think Cannavaro deserves it cuz he is a great player for Italian team. French people when they won the world cup was sooo high in the sky for more than 3 years. It's like they won the competition of who has the right to shoot the rule th world, in sort of speak. Sucks....
I've been told about this fact from my french friend who lives in Paris. Their main topic everywhere was their winning in the world cup.
I think it's now the time for Italy and Cannavaro to celebrate their success and happiness. Why not?
Reply:Nonsense !!!
Cannavaro really deserved it !!
Reply:what a jealous loser u are!
Reply:Congrats to him for getting it but as for deserving, no, he is doing a poor job at Real.
Edit: Ciscokid you are reported.
this fellow should have got it, he is the best both at the club level and at international level!
Reply:he ain't the best player...
Reply:Cannavaro is awesome!!!
Reply:I totally disagree with you. Personally, i was praying that Zidane should get it, but it just happened that cannavaro did and that's the truth.
I think he totally deserved it...he was the backbone of the team which won the wc.
Reply:I will not try to convince you because I know u wont be convinced.
but come on ppl u didn't accept ur defeat in the final and now u wont accept this too ?
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