Sunday, May 16, 2010

Are Golden Retrievers Known to be a little strange? Or is it just my dog?

When I throw the ball my golden retriever tries to catch it with his paws, he’s succeeded a few times. A lot of people think it’s cute, but that creeps me out. Once I caught him trying to walk up right, at least I think that’s what he was doing. His two front paws were on the wall balancing him, and he was using his hind legs to walk, sideways! When I scold him, he lies on the floor belly up and kicks me repeatedly with his hind legs!

Are Golden Retrievers Known to be a little strange? Or is it just my dog?
Just enjoy your Golden for the character he is. My Golden Retriever sometimes hits the ball with his paws, tho he's never caught it that way. He loves to have his tummy rubbed, which makes his legs kick back and forth. He also goes and gets his dish when he wants to eat, greets people at the front gate with a ball, a sock, or some other piece of clothing, and makes strange grunting sounds around the object in his mouth when he's saying hello. Strange? No! Funny and intelligent, YES!
Reply:Goldens are the blondes of the dog world.
Reply:I don't think your dog is uncommon for the breed! I'm not sure that all goldens have the exact same behaviors, but they are known to have some special and cute behaviors.

Most important is his love and loyalty!
Reply:Yes, he's different, but that's ok. He sounds very smart and entertaining. I laughed outloud. I wouldn't scold him if I were you.
Reply:Actually, it sounds like your dog is imaginative and playful.

I'm picturing a fly or bug on the wall that he's trying to reach and follow, and a game of either 'catch the ball in your paws' or 'slap the ball down'

What are you scolding him for? If he's behaving in unacceptable ways, such as counter-surfing, jumping on people, chewing things other than his own toys and chewies, it's your responsibility to teach him appropriate behavior, not scold him for being a Golden Retriever! Hmph, I'd kick ya, too!

If a dog catching a ball with his paws 'creeps you out', it appears to me that you're wound just a little too tight to have a pet. Get a grip on yourself and look at your smart, funny dog (who isn't 'creeped out by your bizarre behavior, but loves you anyway)as probably one-in-a-million and there are people who would give anything to have a dog like him!
Reply:Golden retrievers have great personalities. They are very intelligent. Maybe he's trying to copy you. Lying belly up is a submissive position. He is saying "sorry." Maybe you can teach him more tricks.
Reply:Sounds like a normal Golden to me. We have one too and she's nuts! And we love her that way.

I suggest that scolding it for doing what comes natural to it will only make her untrustworthy of you. Let your dog have it's own personality as long as it is not hurtful or dangerous to it or others.

If you still find its' actions "creepy", then I suggest you find it another home where it can thrive with those who love it for what is unique about the breed.

They are the most docile and loving dog you or a family could ever want. Love it and be gentle and patiently try to change its' ways without scolding. It will be your unprejudiced friend for life!!
Reply:Have you contacted the Dog Whisperer? Or maybe AFV to see if he'll win 10 million.
Reply:i have 2 goldens and they are not is a well trained obedience and agility dog...they can be alittle strange at times...but they are also a loving family member...
Reply:if he's a pure breed there could be a problem. there is a huge problem with inbreeding in purebreds that can result in psychological problems as well as joint problems, especially in golden retrievers. it doesn't seem like his problem is too bad but i'd tell ur vet about just in case
Reply:Goldens are known for being goofballs. Well at least i know mine is.

Reply:Goldies are the Blondes of the Dog World. Sounds like an intelligent dog though a little quirky. Try training him.
Reply:golden's are very intelligent dogs...u should not be creeped out by him...enjoy him

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