Friday, May 21, 2010

Why is my golden retriever crying so much?

I find my dog whining sometimes. I know why she is whining when Im watching TV, its because Im not playing with her. I get that.

But I'll take her out and play fetch with her for a couple hours and then we will go in and she'll get a drink of water. she will bring a tennis ball over to me and I'll throw it up the stairs. She will run up the stairs and right when she grabs the ball in her mouth she'll let out a small whine. I took her to the vet for a once over and she is fine. I dont understand. Sometimes when I'll throw a stick in the woods in an easy place for her to find it she'll whine too.

Is she showing me dissatisfaction in my throwing abilities because the the oobject she is retrieving is too easy for her to get not providing a challenge?

Why is my golden retriever crying so much?
You are lucky my service dog has what is known as the duck tollers howl when he is happy. The volume/ complexity goes up in direct relation to his joy. Google it, if you want a laugh.

I think that your pup is probably just expressing his joy in the retrieve. Alot of animals will whine just to talk or when they are happy. IF the dog is only doing this when there is nothing bad happening then just accept it. I don't think he is crying though.

Most Golden's love to retrieve anything they can get a grip on and the perfect time for sounds of joy are when they finally have whatever it is in their mouth.

Your pups teeth might be sore though. If there is plaque or other dental problems, I would suggest regular teeth brushing and big raw beef bones to chew or nylabones. Those treats that are supposed to clean teeth aren't worth it. You might need a professional cleaning to start. If he chews without pain then I doubt the teeth are causing pain, so again probably just joy.
Reply:she might have a tooth ache and sometimes she can bare it and other times she can't or maybe she is just spoiled rotten :)
Reply:She's not dissatisfied. Golden Retrievers have a high energy level and are best living outside if possible.
Reply:Golden Retrievers are my favorite dogs. I've had three already and I haven't found anything wrong with them yet.

To have the best golden I would make sure that they're AKC registered. The AKC registered ones don't have problems that the mutts.

There are two different types of goldens; a golden golden, and a copper penny. A copper penny is more of a showy dog and I prefer them over a regular golden.

They need lots of love and attention. They also make great hunting dogs and are very quiet and kind. They are great with kids.

For a calmer golden I would get an adult puppies take lots of patience.

She might be homesick, lack of attention, or she might be sick. I would tell this to your local vet.

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