Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Could you go on the tv game show golden balls?

i dont think i could i wouldnt be able to keep my hands to myself if they nicked all the money and not shared it out .x

Could you go on the tv game show golden balls?
I don't think I could either as I couldn't get over it if someone stole all the money instead of splitting. I would split because I am an honest person and I have been shocked sometimes by the greedy people on there. Did you see today's? I didn't blame him for stealing because he said he saw from her body language she was going to do it but she had the nerve to say it would take her a long time to get over it and it was her who stole!!!! Seems you can't trust anybody these days.

It just seems stupid to me to go through all of that and then not share and guarantee some money at the end.
Reply:Many thanks for giving me BA!! Report It

Reply:I would do what i have seen one other person do since the show started.

He said to the other contestant

i am going to steal

you either trust me to share the winnings when i get it or we both lose

either way i am going to steal.

The other man was dubious at first but in the end agreed to trust him.

anyway long story short

both men picked share and every one was happy.

like you thou i would want to strangle if i was stolen from lol
Reply:Hi.....I would like to but I am too honest of a person and can't lie to save my life so they would see straight through me. Some people can be really mean and bully people on there so if they picked on me I couldn't deal with it. I like watching it though. Just over 2 years ago I went on Brainteaser and have the video here to show Ashley when she is older (I mention her name on it). It was live and it was the most nerve-wracking experiece of my life. I won though and got £750 which was good. I would like to do another gameshow one day but it would have to be pre-recorded. Golden Balls has too much talking for me - I like to just answer questions. I get really nervous when I have to talk about myself in front of people. That's why answers is a great place - writing is totally different. I could go on for hours (can you tell? Lol). Yes, my name is Tracy. Congrats on fixing your avatar - Olly is so cute (I know I've said it before). I just love Cavaliers.
Reply:No it's too intense, i would crack up if i never won. I'd burst into tears lol.
Reply:No i couldn't i can't stand it.

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